Petition for one of the reaction emojis to be changed to 🗣

we need it please
from what i can tell the 3 least used ones are hugs, open mouth, and laughing
we need one of them removed to make way for a new one (:speaking_head:)and if none need to be removed please just add it :pleading_face:

of course this is all if its not too much work

Add speaking head
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start mentioning people here with Postal Dude petition dialogue
don’t actually.

doesn’t :clap: already work for that


they mean different things, clapping is for applauding someone whereas speaking head is for if you agree with a message so basically “PREACH” (from what i’ve seen)

can’t :clap: also mean that


plawg just ignored what i said and said the same thing twice :sob:

i read it, i just think :clap: can also mean that


ok (complete sentence)

full sentence

:moyai: and :triumph: better

…have the clapping hands always been there

Nah, the :speaking_head: isn’t very intuitive or multi-use imo. It’s hard to interpret it’s meaning from just the emoji alone.

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Thing is, the :speaking_head: is always paired with :fire::fire::fire:, meaning they are talking fire. I always see this 2 paired. Without the :fire::fire::fire:, it would just lose half of its meaning.

I do not how the forums would fit 2 emojis to one. Maybe custom emojis. But yeah I think we should change the least used emojis to other relevant emojis. Definitely :hugs:.

Preach :speaking_head:

Yeah, without fire it’s just yapping

I’ll add it to the list alongside :skull:, :moyai: and

i’d say moai isnt needed as :st3: does its job for reactions

I normally use :st3: as forum/vetcord/vetexgames community moment ¯_(ツ)_/¯
and moyai for minorly concerning things

can we add :moyai: too

(and possibly :money_mouth_face:)

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