Petition to buff poison

If that’s how you wish to see it, then yes.

level happened

Untrue, every statement I’ve said has an argument.

Problem? Am I supposed to act like I have flaws when arguing about lego game magics?
Any human being has flaws, that means literally nothing to an argument outside of philosophy.

I elaborated on literally everything you’ve asked

This sounds like you just have a problem with discussions if they all end up insulting. Also please self-reflect because you continually use insults while advocating that insults shouldn’t be used in a discussion. Also you’ve insulted me much more than I have you yet you act as if you’re a moral arbiter against ad hominem. You’ve also never once in the entire argument you had with me made a single good point.

You too buddy.

The thing is, I’m not trying to convince the person in arguing with and almost never have. If I am, I’d speak respectfully but if I deem myself unable to convince who I’m arguing with(majority of internet arguments), I speak in a manner which would convince people who read the conversation.

If I’m trying to convince an individual specifically, I’d just pm them, if it’s something as general as “does Poison DoT do anything” or “yes, people are allowed to compare stuff”, I’m obviously not gonna waste my time in private messages for a guy lacking common sense.

went from peaceful discussion to argument

yea no

so you really think you’re perfect wow okay

I kept asking you how you thought comparing gold to poison was fair and the most “response” like explanation was “I wanted to”

uhm wow okay mr “I’m gonna start calling everyone here a toddler and we all are wrong and need to self reflect cuz we’re like totally horrible people”

mans just using this as an excuse to be a jerk basically :confused:

smh I’m tired of this argument, this guy might have extensive knowledge but I’m not gonna waste my time with a gaslighter, as for the actual point of the topic, I’m just gonna say wind needs to get nerfed a little, but beyond that everything else is fine.

The regen nerf doesn’t affect DoT at all. It is still doing as much damage as it was doing before, if burning did 50 damage before it is still doing it now. Even if the damage appeared to be “healed” before that’s still damage dealt.

All magics got affected equally by it. Also Poison doesn’t seem to be needing of a buff especially this big, people really underestimate the strength of clouds.


just gonna say this, but if you deal 50 damage and then that 50 is healed back, that’s just a neutral exchange, you didn’t really do anything.

thankfully he regen nerf in AO is gonna fix that so poison and other magics actually can use their DoT (except bleed magics sorry lmao)

poison is fine just don’t blast trade like most mid tier pvpers do and it’ll actually show results, poison eventually outdamges a lot of magic


If you deal 6 damage over time and heal 8, that’s still damage dealt. If the DoT wasn’t active you would have 6 more HP.

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I’m failing to understand

the damage was still healed + 2, sure without DoT you would have more but like, that’s still a net gain of -2 damage from DoT

You heal all the time, it doesn’t matter if you were hit by a blast or have taken damage over time, that healing always happens

I still don’t get it, eeh??


Sorry, every single one except “go back to elementary school”, name another

No, idk where you got that at all and I see you continue to use insults while complaining about insults being used.

You’re just being blatantly lying at this point
I said

Not my fault if you can’t read.

Let me be clear, I’m calling you and AwesomeOS toddlers because you are fucking stupid. I never stated you were horrible people.


The one calling me narcissistic, entitled, and self-absorbed is talking, you are quite literally diagnosing me as an armchair psychologist and claiming I’m the one gaslighting. I’m just gonna assume you don’t know what gaslighting means either.