Petition to buff poison

if you instantly regen all the damage that a dot tick did to you it did nothing

well technically it damaged but the regen nullified it so in the grand scheme of things it didn’t damage.

(guys, cmon, are we still arguing about this? regen is getting fixed in AO, poison’s DoT is fine, we should be worried about wind not being able to clear the effect anymore)

idk why i’m still going this is pointless, that does not however mean i’m going to stop

I feel like you’re 8 years old

If I deal 8 dmg in a poison tick to a player and they heal 10 the same tick
They heal 2 hp

Now if I did literally nothing

They heal 10 hp

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Please go back to elementary school

ok so you regened 8 less in a tick
that still means nothing

do you have to use insults tho? kinda childish thing to do in a discussion like this.

my gosh this statement is super moronic to me

magics have their strengths and weaknesses that u simply gotta deal with. one magic is expected to shut u down pretty decently as seen with clashing and other factors in play which seems to be the intended plan.

u got 1 hard counter of ur magic and ya flip out about it, 1. then proceed to ignore the strengths it’s got and just focus on that one doomsday, end all be all.

ignoring wind magic for a second what else does poison do pretty well in? sure u got fire and plasma users but from what i’ve seen they weren’t too tough for yall and u managed. as for the rest of the magics it’s just simply a stat dispute of another and clashing.

if something doesn’t work out, don’t just flip the towel over and not do anything. take it from the perspective of a light magic user that doesn’t have much going on with their magic. if i can be ok with it’s current state with minor things going on i think u’ll be just fine

I think you’re incapable of defining nothing.

You stated something, and then called it nothing, please use some level of common sense.

man you compared gold to poison wdym common sense

I don’t have to, but I’m not having a civil conversation with people with the brain capacity of a toddler

if you had common sense you would realize how to identify hyperbole

I made a comparison between 2 magics, clearly I lack common sense!!!

So your entire arguments that you’ve been repeating non-stop for hours were all hyperbole and you’re only now stating that?

and now that you’ve proven that you’re an actual dumbass its time to stop arguing

You can’t argue from a hyperbole with 0 legitimate points and then call the person that was disproving you while you actively continued using what you call a hyperbole in literally every time you’ve argued

my brother in christ just because i said i was using hyperbole once does not mean everything i have ever said is hyperbole, but you cant comprehend common sense so i’m leaving

i’m honestly probably gonna stop discussing here cause all i’m seeing is whining and nitpicking about poision magic from a sand and glass magic user. presumably not even their magic they poured 500 hours in and main

the poision magic users ik and talk to don’t have any qualms about their magic other than the counter they face and what they plan to deal with them.

You have said that dot is nothing much more than once

lemme know if vetex says anything interesting if he stumbles upon this or not