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right now, when we mutate our first mind we cant replace our first mind with the mutation. this is stupid, as

  • it shafts hybrids, as it ruins any interesting synergies, just giving you functionally the same magic twice
  • its boring
  • it makes it so your first slot (which is intended to be the strongest) is objectively worse than the other two, because it cant get any power boosts
  • it puts magic at a direct disadvantage compared to other fighting methods, as they CAN upgrade the thing they are most effective with
  • who in the world wanted this

This is my new crusade now that the bteam is fixing modifiers, PLEASE VETEX!!!


Rare Hyperspace W

shut up stocksounds my existence is not exclusively to oppose you

Man, you won’t even let me say that your opinion is good right now, I’m starting to think your existence is exclusively to oppose me.


no I just don’t like you


Do you live two years in the future? I don’t remember mutations being available at our current time and minds being made canon once more.
Also, isn’t this a suggestion out of Suggestions?


Double negative :skull::question:
Mutation just skips your first mind, you mutate your 2nd and 3rd and mutations are based on the magics in those specific slots

this is a petition for a change to a future feature, not exactly a suggestion

I’m stating they should change the future feature

hold on does this need clearing up

I’m saying vetex should let us turn our first slot into a lost magic

are you guys confusing lore with gameplay again


what is it only in lore we cant change our first mind or something
I’m pretty sure its explicitly stated we cant upgrade our first mind in the trello

also yes I’m gonna keep calling them minds because its convenient

1st magic is bigger bc 2nd magic is treated as if it’s 120 less magic
Once you hit tier cap tho, they will even out and be the same

exactly, meaning since the second mind is a lost it will be objectively better than the first mind

the current trello card is both outdated and doesnt say that, and neither does that thing maple posted that caused a 50 billions replies topic either: Lost Magics have an official obtainment method, and it's bad news

Isn’t that the opposite of what you were just complaining about?

he updated it tho

hold on can someone get the screenshot of vetex saying you’ll never be able to upgrade your first mind

no bruh I’m saying
mind 1: permanently has a base magic
mind 2: has a lost magic

mind one is supposed to be at least on par with mind 2, so then why is it stuck with an objectively worse magic

not on the public trello, and if you mean what maple posted then it doesnt say that either as i said

wait nvm i was on the wrong card lemme see…