Petition to Repeal the Data Wipe

Mmmm, on the edge on this one. Yeah it is kind of dumb that people lost sunkens and boss drops and whatnot, at the end of the day most likely nothing can be done about that. I’d guess the point is to get rid of exploiters holding onto items they exploited/ BM’d/ Duped for, so announcing it would make it futile in the first place since people would just, well, switch :person_shrugging: . Personally I wasn’t affected by it but i can see how it could be more than devastating for some people (except Gem/ Rock Salt wipe, that 100% needed to come)

me on my way to not join the game until this gets repealed

it’s not possible, unless you have evidence of the items you had before then I don’t think you can do it

Honestly, I don’t think he should have deleted the food. I mean, it just doesn’t make any sense, WHY? “exploited food” food isn’t hard to obtain

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I argue that’s exactly why wiping it wasn’t that bad, because it’s easier to get them back


Sky pumpkins weren’t removed because of exploit farming they were just ridiculously easy to farm for an extremely powerful food item, gems on the other hand…

oh shit just realized my storage account is fucked, good thing it didnt have very valuable stuff on it

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Even weirder is that the wipe didn’t even work sometimes, my storage account that was level 1 still had a bunch of items that were significantly higher level than the save so it might not have even been consistent to that end.

Can you list these?

About 38 items, mostly junk ones such as valkyrie helms and bracelets or wizard items that were above the character level and a level 90 sunken sword.

I totally understand why gems and salt rocks were wiped (i actually saw a guy exploiting rocks to get them before) but it just kinda hurts by the fact I had to sell what was around a hundred of my legitimately earned gems before the update :smiling_face_with_tear:

(hey im rich tho)

Same with sky pumpkins, I got a bunch of them for cooking for the future and I had to bake them all into bread… (too much bread in my inv)

Never got around to selling my gems, lost lots of money because I spent thousands trading other people for them :frowning:

As for the bread, there’s never enough until it’s too much

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On the fence regarding this whole topic in general.

On one hand, I can understand why everyone is all pissed off. When a game’s developer does a data wipe without telling the players, that’ll definitely get people upset, no denying that.

But on the other hand? It was kinda necessary. Exploiters have duped hundreds of items like gems and general gear. These exploiters then traded their stuff to alts, as a form of basically laundering. So if they got banned, their alt kept the items. If these items were to remain, it would crash the economy with duped items. Which is not a good thing.

Vetex essentially had to make one out of two choices, neither were good ones. Either keep the exploited items in the game, doomed to crash the economy. Or wipe everything and make a large chunk of players upset. He chose the latter. And I think that was the correct decision.

Either way, I don’t think it’s possible to revert a data wipe even if Vetex wants to. A data wipe is… a data wipe. A deletion of data. Unless he backed that up, it’s probably too late.


personally I think vetex could have made some kind of apology gift for players as compensation for the items they lost, perhaps some kind of free galleons or something?

This sets a pretty terrible precedent, if he can and will wipe items simply because they are of a higher level than your account what’s stopping him from doing it to your other, hard-earned stuff for a completely arbitrary reason?
No way I will risk time and energy farming for valuable items now, though it’s not exactly something worth quitting over

Genuine npc


This might have been good compensation, however I still think it would have been better to more properly notify the populace.

this truly has been an arcane odyssey

jokes aside this is just absurd. not much else to say.

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this is still so weird.

I think it’s absolute cap that the purpose of the wipe was for exploiter purposes. Simply deleting high level items from low level accounts is so broad and untargeted that you’d have to stupid as hell to actually use it as an “anti exploiter” method. It feels like indiscriminately firing into a crowd hoping to snag a criminal.

Likely, Vetex fucked up and didn’t think about the repercussions of just going “hehehaha item level > account level → delete” and can’t undo it, because as you said data deleted is just gone.

fat rip though.

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