Petition to Repeal the Data Wipe

  • Undo the data-wipe
  • Leave the data-wipe

0 voters

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I believe that this data wipe was completely unjustified and deserves to be repealed. I personally know people who have lost hundreds of hours’ worth of sunkens, and the fact that this is not even appealable is appalling.


idek if its possible

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Even if it isn’t possible to revert the changes, it is still possible to stop wiping people’s inventories. Once the event ends and players start trading their seasonals to storage accounts is when it becomes too late.

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why the heck are you trading crap to a “storage account” it’s not midwoken bruh

There’s a data wipe happening? Sorry, I’m kinda out of the loop…

some idiots had their valuable items wiped because in the update items that were traded to a file that were a higher level than the file that received them had them wiped

again, why the heck would you trade your random items to an alternate file???

AA all over again


It’s probably so that scammers won’t constantly send trades if you have rare gear on you.

And even if there wasn’t a good reason, it still wouldn’t matter. These are innocent players getting items wiped for little reason (afaik even Vetex hasn’t come out and explained his reasoning for this yet)

In the recent update, a change was made to trading so that you could no longer trade items to a file that was below the level of the item (so for example, you can’t trade a level 100 armor to a level 30 player). However, this led to every file that was below the level of items in their inventory, losing said items. So if you were storing a things like sunkens or boss items level 1 alt account, all these items were lost. According to some members of the staff team losing the items wasn’t a bug, but was instead an intentional ‘fix’ to many sunkens and other items being inflated due to some kind of exploit.

Trading to an alt is one of the only ways to trade between files on the same account, so I can see why many people would store unneeded/unused items on a bank alt so they can instead use them for other files.


…does it have to be traded items?
or are all higher level items wiped?

Since it’s impossible to get items above your level outside of trading, it’s only traded items as far as I’ve heard

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items obtained prior to level wipe:

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Oh shoot, those hadn’t even crossed my mind. In that case I’m not at all sure

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It doesn’t help that probably many players from World of Magic haven’t yet returned, since Arcane Odyssey only released a couple months ago.

this seems pretty stupid it should be repealed

also, common warmwater L

obviously you cant undo the wipe nor can you really lose items anymore since you cant trade overleveled items to players too low for them

How would this make undoing the wipe impossible? The developers already have the old code from before the update which they can easily implement into the game.

that part was just about how you cant lose items anymore (since they are already gone and cant trade more)

you cant undo the wipe because its literally a wipe, theres no traces of your items left and even proof wouldnt really do anything as you could have just traded them away at any point (which is literally what these alts were made for so its hard/impossible to prove otherwise)


I see what you’re saying. I’m pretty sure the data wipe occurs once the player joins the game, though, so it should still be possible to revert.

(That is unless Vetex spent the entire two months sifting through the player database to delete every over-leveled item, which I doubt)