Pirate raids

Pirate raids https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/d/a/dab338fb98bd376ba00e0a12f0c05a2a8764ac5b.png
effort 4.8125 16 quality 4.666666666666667 15 reasonability 4.8125 16

So I noticed on another thread how an idea I recommended got quite a lot of attention, even the author for the webcomic commented on how they liked it, so I decided to expand on it a little more in this suggestion.

(The comment in question:)


So, do you remember redwake?

Remember how when you first arrived, you had to fight off a couple low level pirates that were quite literally “raiding” the town?

this idea is basically saying, let’s make this small little questline that becomes completely irrelevant later in the story into a teaser tidbit for a huge serverwide mechanic that can add on to the pve experience.


So, how does a pirate raid even work?

The basic idea is simple, a randomly chosen town is selected to become subject to a “raid”, which basically means that when you visit said town during a raid, you’ll see hostile pirate NPCs standing around in the streets, generally attacking higher rep players, and not interacting with other criminal players. (you can still attack them as a negative rep and get the rewards)

Unlike the simple, level 5 nobodies on redwake, pirate raids often can come in varied “intensities” that offer generally much stronger enemies. several pirate ships may also spawn around the areas that are able to be attacked by players, and unlike normal ships, killing all NPCs on these boats actuallly drop sealed chests. (since you can’t obviously just whip out your ship while your on the island killing pirates.)

So, how do these intensities work?

Well currently there’s 5 tiers I have in mind.

1-2: Unpleasant Guests
The agora will mention this as a small nuisance occuring in X town and would like some people to deal with it.

Generally low level weak pirates that are easy to deal with and offer low rewards, but are the most common type of raid to happen.

3-4: Actual raid
The agora mentions this as a full scale raid with several caravels/mid level pirate ships near X town and needs assistance asap.

Mid level pirates with a few higher level captains that drop decent rewards, not very common however, though can be fun.

The rarest, most chaotic, and most dangerous raid possible, also extremely rewarding, so it’s special when it happens.

The agora mentions this as a massive event that is causing chaos all across the town the pirates are raiding, the chaos is so bad in fact that numerous navy ships can be located at islands where these raids occur, when a player(s) attacks the pirate NPCs, Navy NPCs begin to spawn as well, attacking pirates to aid the players, and trust me, they need the help, because these pirates are generally very high level, and have numerous attacks up their sleeves that can destroy cocky players with ease.

This raid is also the only raid to spawn in veteran pirate captains, a new NPC type that’s around level 240, very powerful, you may need your friends to triumph this one.

this is heavily inspired by the decaying winter scav war.

Now, how can you know when a pirate raid is about to happen?

The agora will mention generally 10 minutes before a raid occurs that “possible hostile” ships have been spotted near the island and are approaching rapidly, this gives players time to get there before it happens. it also tells you how many pirate ships there are, hinting at the intensity of the raid.

How long do these last ingame?

Pirate raids, unless stopped by players, generally last 15 ingame minutes before despawning on their own, the agora will update and say how the raid ends, and everything goes back to normal.

Raided towns have a “raid immunity” and cannot be raided again until another town is raided, preventing any kind of weird loop to happen,

What are the rewards for stopping a raid?
Lots of renown, sealed chests, and even exclusive ship parts only obtainable through these raids, higher intensity raids have a better chance at dropping these parts for players.

Final notes

A lot of the ideas mentioned here can still be expanded on much more, but overall I think this idea was pretty cool and I had fun coming up with the concepts, feel free to share your opinions.

Or this idea is just kinda a flop and nobody comments on it because generally my suggestions always seem to suck for XYZ reasons :face_with_spiral_eyes:


oh yeah extra detail: pirate raids with high intensities ignore low level players, just for convenience sake, the tier 5 NPCs at islands won’t attack a level 60 for example.

unless you attack them first of course, uh oh.


man what a flop

The day I make an actually good suggestion is the day pigs fly it seems

I mean I don’t really have much to say. It’s a good suggestion that adds some new content to the game.

Pirates going in to palo town normandy style


So say if a bad rep were to attack any of the pirates there, would the GN help them or try to kill the bad rep?

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Depends, but I wanna assume the former since the raid is much more important

This sounds like a very fun suggestion for players who have completed the story for the Bronze Sea (and any other seas). However I am kind of worried for players who are not max level or still doing the story, as they might be interrupted by pirates. You could give these players immunity to the pirates and remove aggro, but this would still be a bit awkward. It could work if the pirates didn’t load for players doing the story though.

This would also work if pirates raided wild islands or towns that aren’t important to the story (such as shell island). It would be weird raiding a wild island, but a good excuse would be that “they are planning something” or “setting up an outpost”.

About the actual suggestion: I don’t think tier 1 and 2 raids should exist. Low level players are still doing the story and don’t know all the towns, while high level players would find them boring or more of a nuisance, not to mention their (probably) lower rewards. They simply have no reason to exist.

Overall a fun suggestion that would add more things to do for players who have completed the story for a sea.


yeah I could understand where you’re coming from w/ 1-2 tiers not existing, I guess it helps make the event more uncommon and doesn’t get in the way as much story wise

redwake all over again

This would also work if pirates raided wild islands or towns that aren’t important to the story (such as shell island). It would be weird raiding a wild island, but a good excuse would be that “they are planning something” or “setting up an outpost”.

Maybe if the wilderness island camp/outpost can act as the part 2 of the pirate raid where after defending the town, you get a notification or info from the newspaper about sailors’ claim of witnessing the retreated pirates at [Insert Wilderness]. You could go to their outpost to completely drive them out of the Bronze Sea (The randomly generated pirate group won’t exist or spawn in the server). This also could tie to that enemy structure card on trello.


Sounds good, however items/ship parts would probably have to be given directly to the players to prevent people from just camping the reward spawns like etris raid from deepwoken.

Also would be cool to see bounty hunters/gravy raid criminal towns but it doesn’t make sense with Whitesummits lore. (and it’d screw over criminal players cause theres only one town)

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wait pirate raids are a thing?

oh wait im dum this is a suggestion

the tiers of pirate raids should be determined by the Grand Navy’s influence. the lower it is, the stronger the raid. If its very low there might be more “Pirate wars”

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This is good addition—it makes the gravy more interactive and impactful.

Also a good idea. @DubiousLittleTyp0 , don’t forget to include these.

very good content It’d add just a bit more to play with and could maybe have you and other people fighting over who gets the loot for the pirate raid, However this could propose a problem to a lower level player such as a Tier 2 raid spawning at Frostmill causing some problems to the low level player who most likely doesn’t know how to properly defend themselves with their abilities yet

wow so much activity

pretty much redwake+ lol