Players failing the skill issue test (deepwoken part 1)

If these are offline I’m probably gonna look into it. I’m in need of a game to play.

I honestly just don’t like how a ton of information bombarded me, it just made the game more confusing than it was, especially to a most new playesr it can be overwhelming just to see all the complex system straight to my face

Hollow Knight has a permadeath mode, idk if that counts.

death threats lmfao.

Yeah my brother told me how complicated it is to start out as new. He said its almost impossible to progress without someone teaching you, and originally those people who would teach you were testers. And well yknow how they be like sometimes.

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most would rather not teach you at all and flex their superiority at you tbh lmfao


True, and with little to no objective at the start it makes thing even harder to grasp and leading to many player quit moment

So bassicaly, you learn to parry and go to elisia get money.

You know I’m gonna say this weapons in this game are broken there’s no optimization or nothing there’s no good scaling at all deepwoken just throws it at you i’m not saying deepwoken is bad game pretty good game the thing is there’s just so many issues with it that it just becomes almost unplayable The communities trash the luck system is trash The only things I would say are not trash are the PVP and the PVE I’ll say more later

Deepwoken weapons are good. It’s a matter of rng and skill. The scaling it perfectly fine, it’s just rng and a matter of knowing where to go and what to do. If you don’t like the luck system then you should stop playing cause that’s nobody’s problem other then yours, and is pretty essential in the game, and again all you need for that is skill. You think the community is bad? Say that to literally every single competitive game that exists, you can’t stop toxicity, it’s a problem every community has as long as there is competition.

Oh you don’t know what to do? Just search up a tutorial, play, die repeat. It’s gonna take time to learn like every game so get used to it. You pointed out every problem that is not even a problem at all, or is just unfixable in the first place.

Sounds like we got a skill issue

While I do agree with some of your opinions
I do think just making it vague and showing everything advanced to a new player is a bad thing

It’s like you’re a 7th-grade student and presented with a math of a professional mathematician, you will get overwhelmed or even quit math

This does not about do X or do Z or you’re dumb dumb skill issue, it’s about player general retention, not how you can handle with something. Good for you if you can, but the reason is more to general player retention

I’m not saying remove complex system, but showing it all about it to a new player and overwhelm them like mentioned above

the system is nothing bad, but how it presented is not a good way to introduce the system

I’m not saying I agree with the way DW dealt with the game for newer players, but it’s still solvable if you put a little more effort in the game then usual.

Well say that to the 20k people that play the game, and probably had no idea wtf they were doing.

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I do agree with you, but you can’t really blame them for quitting early due to how the system are presented

and there is a niche market with a full loot (DW is more to Semi full loot but still count) MMO, and Deepwoken serves that better compared to most Roblox themepark MMORPG

Cause DW is a good game :sunglasses:

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you learn how to parry and go elisia

Deepwoken would be godly if them removed that damm Luck system

Luck system is good, sounds like a skill issue.

It sucks, why the fuck you would make a system to make people attack each other on sight when you have lifes
Without mention u lose a bunch on death

Because the devs want this game to be heavily about pvp, otherwise why would they add that feature? Don’t like it, don’t play it.

Heavilly about pvp my ass
That gonna just become rogue then, theres people that actually want pve without getting ganked and feed to a freshie on the fucking spawn island, also them want add a pvp arena so yea here you go fixed