[PLEASE READ] Critique on Arcane Odyssey


Although this is an “early phase”, the majority of mechanics and the system of the game should be adjusted. Others do not want to read a long formal essay, which will have highlights, italics and other typefaces; to mention the important parts.

Arcane Odyssey Issues

Lack of freedom and independence.

Players feel prone to rely on quests, ship raids, looting and fishing in order to continue playing.

It is inconsistent.

Even if there are chests, treasure maps and secrets, it does not define what an open world should be. Strict level Requirements for quests, results in players being “forced” to feel stuck in the same island until they satisfied those conditions.

It’s disorganized.

Besides the story, the gameplay is misleading. Players feel lost, not able to depend on tools in this game to help them navigate. Although realism is good, there is a limit, especially when games are meant to escape from reality. The map mechanic does not have waypoints or markers to indicate where you are, leading players to quit.

What do you guys think? Is there more to be added?

Positive Aspects Of The Game

Although minor tweaks I’ve suggested can cause so much potential, I’ll list what they currently have in the game is good.

  • There is no restriction to trading items, you’re even able to enchant a fishing rod to increase your rate for bigger fish.

  • Ship combat is nice, being able to fight and fend for yourself is great. Although when you defeat the ship if you haven’t sunk it, you should be able to snag it temporarily.

  • Recruitments, it’s nice to have your own npcs and build up from there, definitely not because you’re in the middle of the ocean isolated with just you and your boat. . . yeah

  • I love the chests in the game, but please limit the amount of chests, it isn’t fun getting things so easy unless it was meant that way.


Honestly, I didn’t really have any problems other than the inconsistent part

But yeah, its definitely nice to have recruitments within the game, at least you don’t feel somewhat alone when you do the storyline and sail as well even if you’re doing it solo.


What about the disorganized part? Are you okay with that?

Im okay with the disorganized part, I see a lot of players talking about how they got lost at sea even during the night.

There was a post by Soleil on how to locate each islands with the compass and using each islands angle to travel to certain islands as well But ya’know, we have the underaged people that possibly play the game and can’t really use compasses the way the game uses it or whatever.

And I did get a little lost on a few parts/got confused, it was mostly the finding stuff and how everything did blend in which made me even forget where the paths were such as the running escape in Fort Talos, after killing Lion of Ravenna running part

But overall, I do like the realism vetex put into the game, it makes things feel more interesting and its like you having to actually use your brain in certain parts
I don’t really have a problem with getting to island to island even without the map, you can just use the compass or learn the way by heart

I honestly like it without the waypoints in my opinion

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Where did Soliel post this? Can you show me?

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Idk honestly, game is built like a masterpiece for Roblox, plus it’s early access so there’s a lot more coming. I don’t understand how people critique so much on a game that game out like a day ago even if it’s feedback or “helpful” vetex obviously put in a ton of time and effort into this game, I think he deserves a break and not people telling him everything that is bad about it


That’s a valid opinion, however he’s his own person, whether he agrees or disagrees, it doesn’t matter. There are very good things in AO, but it lacks. As I’ve mentioned “in Notes” I’m aware it’s in early phase, but critiques are helpful for those who listen to the community.

what? *lists 4 fucking things you can do, that are very nice to switch around to, but there’s still other stuff to do for levelling.

not really, go explore, do smth else. what you gonna do when you finish the story then?

as the other person said, soleil showed it well enough that you have more than enough to navigate the seas

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Even though this mechanic IS frustrating at times, I do like being able to figure out directions with landmarks and using the compass. Direct waypoints and a indicator of where you are would be TOO easy in my mind. But I do think some adjustments could be made.

There’s also an issue with the ships getting stuck, ESPECIALLY when it’s loaded with cargo. Shouldn’t you be able to take out your rowboat and tug it out?

This is all valid critism I just want to point out:

The part about it being “disorganised” is very much intentional. Navigation is supposed to be harder. Being able to see yourself was purposely removed from World of Magic to add realism.

The fact that it’s too easy to find chests shouldn’t be a big deal when the server limit has been moved up to 18 players. I agree, it’s too easy to get items, but when there’s 18 players a large number of chest spawns will be looted already.

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I did treasure charts, cargo, and exploring objectives for exp. This doesnt seem true.

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