POLL - Worst , Overused and Annoying magics

A poll I wanted to do for a while now but I waited until the update since it would change some of the magics to make them more balanced.

I found a few posts here and there that had useful information regarding which magics where most popular or favorites for whatever reason.

But then I felt EVIL.
I wanted to know the opposite: which magics where HATED.

I found some posts about hated magics but they either where of low quality or from long time ago from the World of Magic era and a lot of changes, mostly good, have been done since then.

So darn it I will do it myself.

I found out that magics can be hated for any of three main reasons:

1 - The magic is bad.
Either its stats are overshadowed by other magics or the total usefulness of the magic is bad compared to others.

2 - The magic is overused or meta.
It doesn’t mean the magic is too strong but if you fight 20 mages and 15 of them are annoying to deal with using the same exact magic you grow to hate the lack of originality.

3 - The magic is ugly or annoying.
It could be that the magic sounds are obnoxious, maybe it looks ugly or maybe its one of those magics which cause too much performance issues.

In order to keep information tidy I will split it into those three categories with an extra form so to say no if you disagree to any of these possible reasons to dislike a magic.



Do you think some magics are unbalanced and weaker than others?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If voted yes which magics you consider to be bad or have weak stats?
  • Acid
  • Ash
  • Crystal
  • Earth
  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • Glass
  • Ice
  • Light
  • Lightning
  • Magma
  • Metal
  • Plasma
  • Poison
  • Sand
  • Shadow
  • Snow
  • Water
  • Wind
  • Wood
0 voters



Do you think some magics are overused or meta?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If voted yes which magics you consider to be overused or meta?
  • Acid
  • Ash
  • Crystal
  • Earth
  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • Glass
  • Ice
  • Light
  • Lightning
  • Magma
  • Metal
  • Plasma
  • Poison
  • Sand
  • Shadow
  • Snow
  • Water
  • Wind
  • Wood
0 voters



Do you think some magics are unpleasant for any reason (ugly appearance, annoying sounds, causes lag)?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If voted yes which magics you consider to be unpleasant or annoying?
  • Acid
  • Ash
  • Crystal
  • Earth
  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • Glass
  • Ice
  • Light
  • Lightning
  • Magma
  • Metal
  • Plasma
  • Poison
  • Sand
  • Shadow
  • Snow
  • Water
  • Wind
  • Wood
0 voters

Oh my brain completely deleted the possibility that someone might hate a magic simply because its overpowered to play against and remembered that after clicking post.

For all purposes mark that one as meta since technically magics that are overused tend to be because they are overpowered.

My biggest issue with metal magic is if I use leap during a frame drop then anything destroyed by it has the sound effect stacked a bunch of times, it’s deafening


lightning, shadow, water, metal, ice

If you’ve ever fought a mage rival with a 5 duration crystal pillar explosion (which has happened way more times that it probably should) you’ll know that crystal in the hands of an NPC is more blinding than most magics that are actually built around blinding (like light)

5 votes and I am unsuprised so far


Controversial opinion but I think plasma is a bit overrated (its just worse looking spirit energy)

I think its not much better than fire as in its not very good.

All of them
Weapon mains rise up :fist: :speaking_head: :fire: :100:
(I love tomfoolery)

1 Like

Water literally has the worst synergies and yet nobody is voting it


It works with lightning and that is about it.
Its especially frustrating to use as a underwater magic because it cant destroy anything to get reagents.

i hate the visuals of all the solid magics + magma since you can’t fucking see through their effects

You can just press shift and immediately clear all of these DOTs

That and it’s a well-rounded magic that function good enough on its own. Basically free +damage and +size imbuement.

water is amazing even as a standalone magic

painfully underrated

That is true water is a good standalone.

But I hated having a diver character with water.
I tried lightning and it does everything water did but better.

I hate the visuals of solid magics because of how awful the imbues look, especially on weapons

my eardrums rupturing eerytime i airdash with metal magic:

Sand is just a wind reskin with different stats so like what’s ur opinion on that

I am no skilled artist but even so why can’t imbues be more like this?
(crystal imbue)

Why must it cover the whole weapon and make it look so goofy?


idc about sand it exists ig