POLL - Worst , Overused and Annoying magics

I can relate, My Ice - Water mage still has to suffer through this because Ice just turns into platforms and rises to the surface whenever you shoot underwater :sob:

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Wait does this mean as a water mage I could save myself from Fort Castrum’s 80 DOT fire?

If water is your first magic, yes

If not then you can jump into the sea

Vetex doesn’t model hitboxes for weapons precisely, it’s just a brick, which is what imbues coat. Not the model. Usually this isn’t an issue since imbues naturally look random, but for rigid ones like metal or wood it looks really weird


I have to agree here as much as I would like prettier imbuements that is not as simple as it sounds with how roblox engine treats is entities. At least not without redoing all the weapons.

I feel like the solid imbue thing would be solved if they just made it so you turn the weapon into the material instead of coating it with bricks


That’s how it kinda looks like for sand as far as I remember, but also sand is like a solid but not


Guys do you hate ash magic that much? :frowning:
I got an ash mage as one of my mains and the clouds are great area of denial.

The rest of its stats suck tho.


Make the pc crasher build with magic size. I saw one of these on YouTube pre nimbus, it’s probably worse now lol

Do the imbues have to coat the hitbox?

I’m surprised not many people find wind annoying

No, I have no idea why vetex does it other than parity with other imbues

I once won a fight against a guy with me using ash magic and I thought that he played very poorly for the amount of stats he had and near the end of the fight he screamed LAAAAG and then I felt my victory depended solely on hoping my graphics card beat my opponents card.

Wait I forgot about ash’s secret stat

i think you can do very well with any build/any magic. however that doesnt mean its “meta”. doing well with a build is different than picking something thats meta and just being better. if youre the better player, you will win against someone who uses a meta build but is worse at the game. but when its more equal in terms of skill, the player with the better build will win

im very for people using whatever is cool to them. so whenever new players ask me “whats the best magic/fighting style/weapon?!?”, i say whatever you think looks cool! whats awesome about ao is how much choice you can have. you can be a snow mage shooting out freezing cold attacks, or you can punch people with sand imbued boxing gloves

i will admit some magics can be a bit annoying to play against though. mainly just vfx. i main metal and a lot of people complain about how they cant see when i use explosions/pulsars/etc. i usually say to just “aim in the middle of the explosion” (not being able to see thru explosions has been a thing since even wom), but i understand some people dont think it should be necessary to do that

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Thermo sunken :nod:

What stat build

I disagree on the statement that the better player will always win especially looking at lightning at a smashing first place.

A fire mage and a lightning mage can be equal in skill and in a solid arena maybe not outperform too much but the very moment water is involved in the fighting arena fire is already at a disadvantage.
The lightning mage can swim away at any time but if the fire mage tries he is fried.

I feel all magics perform well in at least one scenario but lightning and shadow which I see at the top of the overused list are both magics that perform well on ALL scenarios.

i used to run an attack speed build but ive switched to a size build for pve

mage. i know you like metal conj, but ill probably switch to conjurer after second awakening when hybrids get access to lost magics (maybe)

i think different magics do better for different things. as you said with a lightning mage vs fire mage, the lightning mage can go for a swim
this doesnt mean fire is just outright garbage though. fire thermo for example! even fire sailor. fire mages can also pick up a cold/neutral second magic if theyre that worried about people swimming away, but i do see your point!