Popularity among magics

as an ice user, i can easily say that i hate my magic with a passion. it might be good later when it’s combo’d with water but right now it’s just so bad.
it has no DoT, it’s damage is medium, and it’s also pretty slow. it really just has no upsides man.

and i’m also really just forced to used weapons to cause bleed on my enemies to get that sweet 40% buff, but that’s hardly good cause it just ain’t that easy to do keep my enemy consistently bleeding.

Honestly, you’ll have to be a masochist to not play as any of the metas right now. I know metas are boring but, considering we won’t have second magic in probably 4 or 3 months, having some magic that isn’t useful standalone is going to be dull for a while.

And once second magic does come, you could just make an alt to transfer your valuables into your new main

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that’s even more boring + it forces you to do stuff you could’ve avoided simply by playing a magic you like, and on top of that you lose all of your stats and fish in the journal

People who care about stats are also masochists. I purposely kill myself in the Ashen lava to not care about stats on any characters. Also with the fishing log, just have an auto-afk-fishing program running. It’s not that hard to max level a new file either. So you can either play shit right now or you can do a little extra grinding whenever that second magic rolls out.

people who force a meta on themselves just to transfer items over in the future are also masochists

No it’s called short-term opportunists. The long-term opportunists are monks and we all see those pictures of monks setting themselves on fire, safe to say who the masochists are

yeah but you don’t gain anything? like bro if you don’t care about stats what’s the point of meta magics at the moment? fun? ah yes go ahead have fun with your meta magic you metasochistic slave

wind best magic no cap

I don’t care about stats but that doesn’t mean I don’t want the game to an unbearable nightmare and constantly getting killed just because I chose a subpar magic. I rather survive and watch people die then die myself. But go ahead and keep dying from paper magic, peasant

if you die just because you picked a magic that you don’t like and then think that magic is inferior to everything then you’re just bad

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You have to be a forum troll or you’re just incapable of reading what I am saying. There are certain magics that are objectively bad standalone. I am lucky enough to have a meta magic the first go around, but regardless, some magics are just inferior.

You have to be a forum troll or you’re just incapable of reading what I am saying.
There are certain people that prefer doing whatever they want and not following the meta. I am lucky enough to pick a magic I liked first try and it’s not meta. No magic is the best, some magics are better than others, and some magics are worse than others. Everything will reach an equilibrium in the future as the magics cancel each others advantages and disadvantages out causing the balance to reach a value of 1 or at least close to it

With the current meta and with the current way stats are done to magic, there is obviously inferior and superior magic. To say “every magic is equal and balance out each other” is not even looking how the game works currently. Vetex had to hold a tournament with no one wearing equipment just because how the stats favor certain magic. Even Meta knows this. There’s no balance currently, no “equilibrium”


Your nuisance tears only prove me right.

Your aggravating attempts at making yourself look smart only prove me right.

Just block clowns like this, go to preferences, then go to users then block him.

nah bro blocking is for pussies

people like him don’t deserve to be blocked, blocking should be reserved for others, and not trolls

like y know… people who harass you and not people who are simply annoying