Popularity among magics

Well its just easier to block and forget, I just don’t like dealing with idiots who failed kindergarten math .

That’s rich coming from someone who’s probably still in middle school.

Well it’s easier to deal with them and end up with a pleasing feeling and then forget, instead of having a mentality of ‘‘oh my god!!! it’s someone bored on the internet!!! BLOCKED’’

Not my fault you didn’t at all read what I was saying, and tried going off topic from my point in attempt to make me look wrong.

That’s loaded coming from someone who doesn’t even know basic morals.

Not my fault you didn’t read what I was saying at all, and tried to make me look bad by changing my words up in an attempt to make me look wrong.

Have you tried spamming great spin with Ice? Works like a charm, kills bandits in the blink of an eye and gives glass cannons a run for their money, combine great spin with a self explosion and you can outdamage any magic (even gold) in close range as long as you have even or more HP.

With my hybrid build (72 power, 315 defense, 26 agility), i’m able to do 96 damage with the great spin and 241 damage with the self explosion, meaning I can fling glass cannons and make them scared as hell

“basic morals” This a kid’s game not a philosophy class. What are you even talking about?

Anyway, you didn’t even prove me wrong or anything. You’re just arguing to argue right now. I said the current state of the game is that there’s superior magic and inferior magic and it’s better to use meta right now. But later in the future there will be balancing. You didn’t even read what I said and just wanted to go and start drama.

Magics aren’t balanced at levels such as 150, and such. Minibosses are harder to defeat depending on the magic they use.

Someone can easily destroy a miniboss that uses Paper Magic, but if a miniboss uses a magic that creates puddles or heavy magics like gold. You’re done for.

yuh I know which is why I said they are gonna be balanced at like way higher levels, maybe 300 or so, by that time a LOT of planned features will be added to the game, And everything adjusted, assuming roblox doesn’t destroy the game with their poopy updates

Yeah, you’re just one of those “forum trolls” like WAX and Sister, have fun in banland.

there is not one server without a purple lightning user

yes i have. that’s what i rely on. that’s literally how I stay relevant in pvp AT ALL.

Oh this is the post that got you suspended ?


Huh weird I assume so from the amount of flagged post

some losers just flag anyone who disagrees with them

Dang that tough

Did you actually necrobump just to do that?
