Post your mutation ideas here!

Gravity also pushes, idk where you got where it would only pull.

And realistically, Gravity could just do this by modifying the power output of the Gravity.

magneto magic is cool and everything, but magnetism just doesn’t realistically fit into the magic system

Also why slow magic when something like Atomic just DISABLES the attack.

If you mean canonically? Yea probably, but from what I have experienced it sure as hell doesn’t ingame

  • It slows in a radius around it, kinda like every attack is a pulsar, meaning it’s good for defending yourself even if you miss the enemies direct hits
  • Atomic? You mean shatter? :man_shrugging:, either way, magnetism would be better for defending yourself bc the radius thing mentioned above

Mk seems decent but still mid. Mud Magic would be a better defensive magic…

No, Atomic and Shatter are 2 different mutations

the mutation chart posted in this topic is an old one from the aa times, specifically used for the aa webcomic
when the lost magic list on the trello was made, which despite being removed now is still more recent, atomic magic wasn’t listed, so it’s unclear if it’s real or not now
i do hope it’s real, it’s my third favourite mutation in the aa chart

atomic appeared pretty recently in the AA webcomic so i am hopeful that it still exists within the actual lore

Atomic would probably be ancient if added anyway, I think magnetism is balanced enough to be lost

bind magic that can restrict movement to like 5 studs
i’m working on a visual explanation

guys what if we add a magic that sends your opponent to a pocket dimension for 10 minutes but gives you permanent insanity 2

i think if gravity is low enough for lost then atomic can be too, and then just have like a pressure equivalent for it for ancient

I have no clue what no name this goofy ass magic idea so let’s just say uhh

Masochism Lightning

Base stats

  • Speed 1.3
  • Base damage 1.0 but with a potential 30% increase depending on the charge bar
  • Size 0.9


base lightning synergies

a charge bar
  • It’s a bar similar to thermo/sailor style
  • It would increase depending on how much damage was dealt to you
  • It would decrease whenever using an attack with the magic (the more damage it deals the more charged energy it will take away)
  • The bar charge goes down gradually when out of combat
  • After charging an attack for a certain amount of time it’ll use all of the charged energy at once, if used while the bar is full it could result in a 50% damage increase + a longer than usual paralyze effect


Lightning that changes colours depending on how charged the lightning is

  • yellow to crimson
  • teal to dark purple
  • i am too lazy to think of more

I made this shit up on the spot based off of a single idea so there’s definitely a lot of things wrong with this lmfao

Sorry but this is literally aether lightnings entire premise lmao
(Aether being HOLY LIGHT)

ok what about masochism lightning