Post your mutation ideas here!

The say it is tech’s magic or someone else’s custom magic. Exploiters can’t really make magics inside the game, only utilize what is hidden

My thoughts exactly.

Sangdrasil just had a custom icon since exploiters CAN do that, and it used stuff like tech’s custom’s debuff for it

The actual truth about sangdrasil is too much for you all to handle I fortunately.

ULT ART: @pilles

Every time you get hit by balance team magic, your attack size and agility gets permanently nerfed by 17.8%

also your attack speed’s effectiveness gets dropped by 5% additively (e.g. it goes from 45% to 40%)

and the defense bonus of all of your current equipment gets decreased by 10%


a magic called orichalcum that’s basically an upgrade to metal would be cool

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Terraria magic

can oppenheimer beat morock though?
(no, he can’t, morock would beat the shit out of oppenheimer)

great minds think alike

I let out a small chuckle reading this I have such a dirty sense of humor :sob:

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add a magic called arcane magic and its just magic magic (blue/purple/yellow sparkling energy that inflicts hexed, which slightly reduces the damage the opponent deals for a short duration. can be stacked up to 5x)
it can mutate from light, plasma, and lightning
if you pick it, hecate says “good choice”

A volcano-based magic that’s a more explosive version of Magma and leaves both ash clouds and magma puddles

Y’know I was gonna berate you for such a lame idea but considering heat magic exists and it’s literally just orange plasma I don’t think it’d actually be that crazy of an idea for just a more magmatic magma :fr:

don’t worry @DubiousLittleTyp0 , i’ll do it for you.

THIS IS AN ASS IDEA. This AND heat magic have got to be among the worst suggestions I’ve ever seen. What the fuck is the point of;

" (X) Magic but… it has slightly different appearance and stats :exploding_head: "

Morock solos every single magic in this thread

Also these magics nearly always have the worst names ever…

Vetex why the fuck would you name a magic, “Heat Magic”…

acid and poison mutation: HAWK magic

less damaging than water, but has a bit more speed and size. Also has some wind effects around it

It also applies the TUAH status effect, which increases the damage of all DoT’s applied to the target while it’s active


magic reaction: