Potion/Brewing System Plans

Who is reiko?

an artist who might’ve made some… questionable material related to iris at one point


It seems like he may have made a mistake informing him

this is a masterpiece though


I remember that it was amazing

best way to get lost magic scrolls in sealed chests :skull:

I mean resetting your stat points just means you have to redistribute them, it’s not outright mass murder

add the imposter potion that makes you have an amogus mesh for an avatar

drink a luck potion right before giving the shipwright your sealed chests

mmmmm yes. Can’t wait to summon sharks making the water deadly to anyone who enters. Also increased spawn rate means increased white-eyes chance.

Summon sharks
Use shark repel on yourself
Watch carnage unfold

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Summon sharks around the island you are capturing, use wind magic to push enemies into the water, free infamy

Yeah but it’s stated you take alot of dmg and it’s basically free infamy atp

infamy not from senseless murder anymore

who will wanna buy my potions

if you die you don’t pay

the worst part about this entire thing is trying to understand it :skull:

get better at reading lmao

im supposed to just instantly understand what a reagant is ? :sob:

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