Potions Discussion

Now the question, does imbueing an ice gel on thermo make steam? What about the other way around with fire gel and sailor?

presumably considering it’s like magic

also uh have you tried reading the post p sure “fire potion” doesn’t exist

Oh, I assumed one would exist since @ImaLettuce mentioned an ice gel

mb it does exist in the plans

sure is convenient that clothes are excluded from being seen through, that would be very, very weird for the esp potion

That would go down a rabbit hole we don’t want to go down

church of iris

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I just really, REALLY want this potion

gambling an effect would be really funny, especially if getting tier 2 and 3 reagents for this is simpler or something, would be a funny way to get tier 5 effects for a specific potion

This one basically already done fr, remember that dev update ss with shark outlines?

Imagine this.
A alchemist build.
Someone who just uses potions to fight, spawning blizzards, sand, smoke, and extra effects. The sheer chaos they could cause…

Yeah NOBODY has thought of this before, @Flare should be taking notes at your genius

I genuinely can’t tell if that’s some tester console setting or something

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Same, but even if it is he can probably just use it for the Revealing potion when made

Even better. Splash interchange potion.
Reset everyone’s stats mid fight for maximum annoyance.

I already made this plan just like flare, also

definitely not going to exist, heavily abusable making you only need one potion for up to a full server

Tide + shark summoner potion combo?

honestly I’d leave my clan if I could make a potion-seller clan, these things would be absurdly valuable to sell

I wonder if shark summoner would have different effects for different types like normal throwing just spawns higher tier sharks once but lingering constantly spawns sharks of lower tier. Maybe drinkable kills you but spawns one hella tier shark nearby

*I sacrifice 1000 lifepoints to summon white - eyes red shark!

Atleast with all these potions we can finally have a change at a “How did we get here” achievement for all status effects