Prime Argos

The Lion of Ravenna in all his glory.


He is going to body us in 5 seconds I can feel it

argos prime


our corpses would be getting thrown into the ocean by now

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(ultrakill joke)

This time his AOE will do 100 damage rather than 30 lets goooooo


hope he does :flushed:


The Lion of Ravenna being a lion himself

He would shatter our every bone and kill us within 0.01 second cuz he’s ARGOS PRIME now imagine what would happen if he can use magic

bro has a light equip load even with all of that armor

y’all acting like he’s actually gonna be a threat bruh

if he’s dealing like 30 damage to me as a senior citizen despite still being able to jump around and imbue his skills, what’s he gonna do just by being a bit younger?

worst case it’ll be like fighting an easier calvus.

What fits Argos better? War or Order?

Julian being a curse user showed respect to Argos. Suffice to say Argos probably sparred with Julian before and gave him enough of a run for his money that Julian thought it our character couldn’t possibly beat Argos unless he was more affected by age than he thought.

Nah I’d still clap him

Like seriously, sure, Argos may have been a powerful general in his prime, but even then, he probably would have been vaporized by the unmatched power of the [S U N]

I’d smash

who wins

Fearsome military general

A giant fucking ball of nuclear fire

what’s that? the SAVANT thinking he’ll be able to use a LOST MAGIC at ANY POINT WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS?


Savants need stats point above 500 in magic to use lost magic.