Probably the best build{gear} in the game

may or may not leak it in the future :eyes:

ah screw it, here it is:


swap that hard amulet with a sunken helm and the arcsphere with a carina accessory and you’ll have a bit better stat distribution


is the other stuff king calvus drops?

Cerynx amulet gives more

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what stats does that one give

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Idk exact number, just know it’s more defense because I swapped out my fair defense for it

cernyx amulet is def and attack speed right

oh alright

well at high levels cernyx is thankfully pretty easy so I’ll try farming him later down the road

as for the other armor
this is all king calvus stuff right?

Ya it is but I prefer Carina

carina is size and damage right?

atkSpeed and dmg

sounds pretty useful

so like a full carina set + the crown + cerynx amulet is a good build?

I use Carina chestplate, pants, cerynx amulet, arcsphere, and another Carina accessory piece(I reccommend getting a crown instead here tho)

wait what stats does crown give power and speed right?

Agility size and power

since you know a lot about carina stuff, im going for an attack speed and defense build with a little bit of power dotted around here and there, is hard lady carina chest good for this?

Carina drops are better for certain builds, if u have an already fast build its redundant, if u have a slow build its much more effective

ALL 3???

damn I should get me some of that

Ya I’d say the chest and pants are the best in the game, the accessories are kind of filler till you get better stuff like cerynx, Calvin’s crown, and arcsphere.

(is this a good build for warrior btw)