Probably the best build{gear} in the game


If youā€™re warrior youā€™re gonna wanna go the build I said
(Iā€™m warrior too)

Isnā€™t the arcsphere essentially just a power amulet

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power amulet stronger, im not using it because i already have a defense amulet

You canā€™t use both power amulet and cernyx amulet, so you need arcsphere if youā€™re using cernyx(which you should be)

ah ok that makes sense, Iā€™d probably use carina accessory over it though for more atk speed

Once you have the chest and pants, any extra atkSpeed becomes less and less useful

alright cool good thing carina is like baby tier easy

im making an attack size + defense build for my warlord and iā€™m still working on it but here are the current stats, are these below or above average because i havenā€™t seen enough builds to get the rough gist of what stats people have

Screen Shot 2023-03-04 at 18.51.18
im working on dmg and attack speed to see how itā€™s like as a berserker

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My build

Get rid of the bracelet and use that slot for arcsphere. Then, for the same slot as the arcsphere previously was, put a fair amulet, either hard or strong your choice.

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my current build
I value attack speed a lot more than agility personally, and Iā€™ve heard that attack speed has logarithmic scaling and soft caps at around 50 so I added a few other things. this is probably what Iā€™m gonna stick with for a while

oh wow, thats really good

You do know you canā€™t use 2 amulets right

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rate my build rn


how much faster does attackspeed actually make your attacks?

I believe this is good enoughā€¦

thas cool an all but do u have 3.6k hp n still do 200 dmg???