Problem with Ash and Poison


Ash and Poison, eternal enemies due to their similarities in abilities.
Both of them after attack leaves cloud that deals damage, that, interestingly enough, bypass The Exiled damage reduction(And passive and Full).

Pretty OP huh?


The Exiled takes 16 damage from ash cloud, same amount of damage Npc/Player will take if he will be in ash cloud(Work with Poison but with different damage).

Probably you think that Poison and Ash is META for boss farming, but there is a major downside, and its connected to “Cloud mechanic”.

Cloud Mechanic

As we already know, Poison and Ash attack spells leaves cloud that deals damage ,that increases with each level.
But the most interesting thing is - “Enemies that died from damage of YOUR cloud wont count as YOUR kill”, its happens becouse cloud dammag does not count as your damag…


Soo damage that i deal with cloud DoT dosent count as mine, and drop chance is the same as if npc/boss fall in water after taking x% damage from me.Soo its not that good for farming bosses…

And the last thing about “Cloud Mechanic”, power stat does not change damage from cloud DoT.

Stat analysis


In fact, ash deals more damage(With cloud DoT) then poison

Magic speed

Its true, but its hard to notice…(I tested it with 2 people and “spectator” said that Poison blast is faster)

Magic Size

Due to being Gas Magic, its hard to say that “Poison has bigger size”


You wont be able to destroy anything with both of them, soo whatever.


Oh and ye, dont forget about Petrified status effect, than allows you to stun enemies with ash magic if you deal to them more than 33% of their damag.



I can see why not that many people uses Ash or Poison.There is a lot of better magic that, or just better in stats and clashing rates, or just OP as hell (Ye wind, water, shadow and paper…Im looking at you…)
But, is it fun to cover whole battlefield in your clouds - yes
Ash and Poison mechanic cool - yes
Soo, i really enjoyed playing/testing them for Farming bosses…But i wont play them, cause i hate to think “Will i get a kill?”.

Thanks, and goodbey Ash and poison.
Oh and ye, can someone recommend me some magic for Farming bosses plzzzzz?
Sorry from grammar ;-;

Stop spreading misinformation, clouds are effected by ping

Common knowledge, clouds also don’t count as your damage either btw

On the same lvl Poison had 15 damage from clound and Ash has 17, and poison had power amulet on it (i did’nt know back then that stat dose not affect cloud damag)

Ye, forgot to mention.I’ll fix it

You’re straight up lying then, they literally do the same.
I just logged on and both do 19 damage at level 90


Yeah the formula for ALL magic hazards is level ÷ 5 + 1, they both deal 19.


and ALL magic hazards don’t count as your damage also

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kinda dumb ngl, if my magic energy kills you, it should count as my kill

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it’s even worse with poison, the poisoned status effect also doesn’t count as your damage from what I can tell, and since it lasts 20 seconds and does basically as much as a regular attack, it’s very easy to just not have a kill count because you accidentally shot them with your magic, and that’s not counting the cloud damage too…

Nah, it does count as your damage, it just doesn’t refresh combat timers.

i.e. Attacking someone with a magic leaves 5 seconds before the kill credit no longer becomes yours, your poison ticks still count as your damage but doesn’t refresh that timer.

In AO this’ll be fixed and it only really effects DoTs that go over 5 seconds.

Think of the cloud as you just summoning a damaging area that will lower your opponents hp and help u kill em faster

That makes absolutely no sense it’s my damn gas cloud so I killed you vetex needs to fix that lol

I have played poison for grinding enemies for a long time and I think I have definitely lost a lot of kills from DoT and/or cloud damage. But I think I’ve gotten more used to it and deal smaller hits regularly to keep kill credit.

For example : If Minotaur is low on HP, has poison DoT and cloud damage, I quickly switch to my old sword/dagger to deliver one last spin/throw before he dies. You just have to control your enemies’ HP carefully to guarantee kills.

This happens with acid or something

pretty sure it’ll do more even without both using clouds and if Poison still had it’s DoT

You can destroy windows rocks and boxes in 1 hit and hit a wall about 5-6 times but idk why’d you would waste your time doing that

if this post wasn’t rating them off PvE in PvP both players know even if their death was from the cloud you still won but you’d mostly likely be still attacking them in the cloud so you’d still get your personal kill stat

Is this visually rounded (like most damage) or actually rounded down (like DoT damage)?

same thing with magma, also magma is the best exiled magic, wind is the best for minotaur

I’d have to see that

How is shadow op? I use it and it’s pretty average tbh. No real buffs.

man this was some good formatting. boss farming magic: Iron or gold. if you use a max power set on any of those two, not only is it fun to shred health but it’s efficient.