Problems with AO

I want one of my slots to have a harem and the other one to be an ice king

: p

Why not both.

No I mean I want one of them to be a hero harem prince guy and the other to be a loner ice king that’s unforgiving

get hull and repeatedly ram, trust

Got your order sir

Albeit the ice king uses lightning because lightning is edgy

but the entire point of how ship and activity progression is set up is so that by the point your wanderlust begins to subside you HAVE a much faster and more capable ship. you’ve turned in some sealed chests, you’ve upgraded to a ketch or caravel, etc. that was a very intentional choice by vetex. you can even see it in the general galleon gain from side quests at major story locations. you’re meant to be upgrading your ship so that the “mind-numbing” two minute journeys become 2-3x as fast.

What is a casual player?
Also, unlocking fast travel. AFTER exploration won’t hinder exploration, since everything was already explored. That was my idea.

Thank you

vetex doesn’t want people to swap magics to fit the meta, thats the reason why you can’t reset your magic. Magic reset potions will never be a thing unlike what that guy said.

I mean it’s a valid point honestly when weapon and fighting style users can change to adapt to the meta literally whenever they want

But what if they don’t? What if they die often because they are still learning, and can’t get the necessary funds to get a good ship?

This is one of my main things I think AO can improve on- and Vetex himself acknowledges this, the start of the game is not super beginner friendly. It might be to you, but a new player isn’t going to take the ‘optimal routes’. Or do everything right, and it’ll be frustrating and difficult and getting angry is only natural.

This is all problems that will be addressed in full release anyway. Vetex just needs to do more work introducing ship combat and travel- especially combat (it took me three days to realize ‘sink a ship’ required you to actually shoot it dead because me and my friends just squad’d up and jumped whatever boat we found. There were many casualties but we always won).

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Can we have name change potions atleast T^T

Yooooo alzheimer’s potion frfr

Hell yeah, I don’t know why anyone would be against magic users swapping to ‘meta’ when weapon users can do this whenever the hell they please with no punishment and fighting style users can as well- only needing to grind a bit to get their fighting style mastery up.

I think it’s probably just for lore reasons
Since if you change your magic, you’d basically be changing your entire character (one of the game theories is that your magic determines your personality)

I guess that’s a fair point. maybe caravels could be a bit cheaper. maybe players can’t lose galleons from death until past a certain point in the story. it’s explained when you buy a sailboat how the shipyard UI works and how you can gain new ship parts, but I’m honestly willing to say you have a point here w players who may die a lot not being able to stock up the funds to make it past 1k galleons. heavily dependent on player and how their playthrough has gone, though.

Some book I read ingame in AA stated something like that (I think, might be wrong)

Yeah, we’ll just have to wait and see.

(Peaceful resolution)