Idk where to post this but even more confimation that vetex is planning six seas.
6 seas for 6 high lords, makes sense
My one concern is the sense of progression after our second awakening. Then what? Grinding lost stuff? Kind of want a tad bit more.
I’ve always been concerned about that too. First awakening at level 125, then second awakening at level 250, that’s pretty quick and rewarding progression. Then the next big milestone is lost magics, which will require at least level 500 for hybrids. And who knows how much ancients will cost. There’s a huge jump in level gaps between major progression milestones.
I’m mildly hyped for lost and stuff however I’m not a fan of the fact you kind of have to find them yourselves, that feels wrong.
you know now I wonder if there’s going to be a story quest that’s like
“Find a lost magic” or “Find a lost weapon”
We could probably guess the progression of the story quite easily if we split it into six parts.
Bronze Sea: First awakening
Nimbus Sea: Second awakening
Sea #3: Either add a third awakening or some other improvement.
Sea #4: Gain access to rarer weapons and lost techniques and spells (Perhaps lost magics/FS and exotic weapons at this point).
Sea #5: Gain access to even rarer techniques, spells and weapons??
Sea 6: Artisan weapons and Ancient magic access.
The only seas which probably would benefit from some other upgrade system are sea 3 and 5
@Divanochi can you split?
Artisan weapons in sea 6 sound like cancer.
Fucking hope not, I’m not fucking grinding against my will for rare shit.
nah its said in game that people only get two awakenings
Perhaps being able to improve one magic, FS or weapon type by “Mastering” it?
I have some thoughts on how I imagine the gradual progression being, but I’m feeling lazy rn so I’ll probably go into it later
The thing that worked with AA’s progression was that mutations were planned to be specific, scripted parts of the story.
Lost and ancient magics/fighting styles are entirely chest rng, so it isn’t really significant to the story
For some reason I thought there would only be 3 seas?
“1 out of 6 of the seas the games story will have”
You know that leads me to think there’s an optional seventh sea somewhere in-game. Maybe unlocked in a postgame if Vetex ever wants to implement one.
That just sounds like the dark sea with extra steps
No, no. He’s got a point.
AA Peacekeeper DLC after the events of AO
Comes with a preset set of magic, legendary weapons, and FS. 2 or so boss fights, one of em being Hades
basically Jetstream Sam DLC from MGRR
something REALLY major will happen near the end of the story