I’m planning on creating a fangame of Arcane Odyssey that will contain a lot of games within it, kinda like an arcade (hence the name). I’m afraid I don’t have much time left on this account, so I’ll keep things brief.
Planned Games For Project Arcadia
Arcane Bullet Hell
This game will be a single player bullet hell game where you play as Morden and go through the plot of AO. The framework used is shown here.
Perhaps a VS mode may be added in the future, much like the phantasm games in Touhou, but that currently isn’t planned.
Arcane Beats
A single/multiplayer rhythm game where you play songs from AO and its predecessors. The framework used is shown here.
Arcane Fighting
A 2d multiplayer fighting game much like street fighter or super smash bros. Currently no framework exists, but is planned.
I may or may not add more games to the roster. Link to the game here. Do note that this is a heavily WIP build right now.
Anyways that is all, I’ve got quite a bit of homework right now but i hope you enjoy.