Project Arcadia


I’m planning on creating a fangame of Arcane Odyssey that will contain a lot of games within it, kinda like an arcade (hence the name). I’m afraid I don’t have much time left on this account, so I’ll keep things brief.

Planned Games For Project Arcadia

Arcane Bullet Hell

This game will be a single player bullet hell game where you play as Morden and go through the plot of AO. The framework used is shown here.

Perhaps a VS mode may be added in the future, much like the phantasm games in Touhou, but that currently isn’t planned.

Arcane Beats

A single/multiplayer rhythm game where you play songs from AO and its predecessors. The framework used is shown here.

Arcane Fighting

A 2d multiplayer fighting game much like street fighter or super smash bros. Currently no framework exists, but is planned.


I may or may not add more games to the roster. Link to the game here. Do note that this is a heavily WIP build right now.

Anyways that is all, I’ve got quite a bit of homework right now but i hope you enjoy.



Oh yeah if you’d like consistent updates on this i’d recommend joining this server

please ignore the thumbnail

The arcane multiverse

iris dating sim

Why so?

he rates every suggestion 1 star on everything