have you ever seen a warlock or warlord with axe slash ever
I’ve seen like 2 warlords ever but good point my bad.
Honestly the purebuild classes aside from Warrior are kinda underwhelming to me. A second fighting style/magic just isn’t as creative as a lot of the other options you have.
that’s kinda the point imo , but the problem w zerker is that FS just do not have synergy like magics do , there’s no real reason to swap between them in combat even after your second style can build thermo post v1.12 just because fundamentally a second FS is innately far less useful than a second magic
Axe-Slash is trash imo. Just a retextured primal swipe. Little options, can’t even change it’s size. A’ight damage but really just subpar, especially when compared to how Pulsar functions. Not even how it is but it’s concept. It fits wonderfully with Mages but Axe Slash doesn’t really with berserker and the rushdown playstyle.
Yeah, I totally agree with this. I honestly think the only fighting style that actually stands out is Cannon fist because it gives you some ranged options but other than that the rest of the fighting styles are mostly about aesthetics- with thermo fist and sailor style having a bit more mechanical though to them.
Imo pulsar isn’t too complex, it’s definitely better than base spells (and currently overpowered) but it’s not much more than a pulsing blast
- damage is pretty decent, around 300+ burn on glass cannon zerker sets
- amazing at covering landings , the aoe is very underrated
- cop-out poke tool for people who can’t land 20% shots
- airstalling w it primed to punish aerial play from opponent (downward knockback option) can be huge , easy to follow up w a crash smash that’s about 800+ dmg
its really not bad I don’t get the sentiment at all
axe slash
Vindicator is only held back by its ludicrous stat requirements- that’s the only problem I find with the entire weapon.
for a weapon with only one ability vind has potential , buddy of mine calls it the Flyswatter and loves to use it against Jumpspam Johnnies
oh hey that reminds me, does agility on armor boost the speed and travel distance that the crash skill can do?
no don’t think so, agl affects walk speed, run speed, jump height, high jump height, magic jump height, airstep height, and dodge distance, and i think that’s all
oh, well then what affects crash?
(how do I recreate the charon thunder god hehehehaw)
that’s just max heat thermo w thunder (1.5x speed) imbue lol
For me, the main difference between the two is ease of use. If it takes too much time/skill to use efficently, it’s always gonna be a worse option versus it’s contemporary’s. I will see a thousand people use Pulsar well before I see ten use Ax slash well. This is why the skill suffers tremendously in my eyes, it’s small hitbox and relatively uninspired design just don’t sit as well as Pulsar.
even with how broken pulsar is that’s not even an issue of pulsar v axe slash , that’s just an issue of mage v berserker
once pulsar and mage in general gets nerfed and FS becomes useable as intended next patch they will almost certainly even out
oh okay
what does shadow affect stat wise?
I mean shadow is 1.3x speed and you don’t lose much damage its p solid