Purging Artificial Difficulty - Making NPCs More Fair

Purging Artificial Difficulty - Making NPCs More Fair https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/4X/c/f/9/cf921fab7ce4dca34fa008b24007e64f9c9989c6.gif
effort 4.7 50 quality 4.82 50 reasonability 4.849056603773585 53

please please PLEASE!!!

Y e s. :melting_face: @ DukeUngriffiaOffical

also have their attacks be less accurate based on how many stacks of screen-obscuring status effects (stuff like snow and sand would be more noticable with light blinding the most, but things like corroding or anything that makes a pulsing overlay and also ever so slightly decrease accuracy by 1 or 2)

the way i believe this could be implemented is with your basic fps’ crosshair inaccuracy thing where every shot would fire in a random location of said ‘crosshair’

please do
i hate it when enemies use 200 blocked damage attacks on me with no way to punish them
i want to be the one using 40 unblocked damage attacks on enemies

oh nvm someone already said this

I’m so tired of dealing with npcs’ random blocking and aimbot…

Yes! This would absolutley be a massive benefit to fighting npcs. Current system is not fun just being beamed by a rival doing 600+ damage on an attack you can hardly dodge.

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very nice suggestion
I hate being no scoped by Maria

Blindness should affect bosses too imo- it makes light and other visionblocking magics weaker against said in comparison to other magics.

Anyway, i overall quite like this suggestion! The combat PVE system has been bothering me a lot- solo pve player btw- because its not really… skillbased at times.

If you encounter an enemy with a bow, it does not matter if you dodge- youll be hit anyway- and that is really damn annoying when each hit deals too much damage.

oh my god a suggestion that’s actually good. we’re so back

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I concur!

Neat suggestion, it might need some adjustments if it was going to be put in game (i.e npcs only walking to the side while blocking seems a bit odd) but I like it and adjustments to npcs are definitely needed at some point.

Especially for exclusively ranged ones (I’m looking at you Ms. Bow spam)

This should just be done, no questions asked. Tho thr accuracy thing is already planned iirc

i did that cause players frequently walk to the side while blocking to try and get out of the way while still blocking and keeping an eye on the target

not that i’ve seen anywhere


i am so genuinely convinced that your head is an empty cave


that’s kinda the point
it rewards skill-based combat by letting you make the fight easier

maybe instead of sidestepping they can also go forward or backward while blocking

the npcs already land every shot theres no way to make npc aim feel less skill based


low-level npcs are already trivial to fight because of their lack of skills, and high-level npcs are already punishingly accurate along with low-level npcs

maybe they’re just affected at a lesser rate (e.g. 2.5% instead of 10%)

this is already how it goes

oh yeah i need to make a suggestion for them having stamina/magic energy. or you could… if you didn’t… cough cough make strength javelin cough cough

way too advanced to code but could work if vetex figured out a way to do it

just stand at the bow of the brig, hold g and on her downtime use beam/pistol/rifle lmb

not gonna lie this is probably the best suggestion ever

why thank you

I still use that but whenever I jump up to shoot Maria she can’t miss her pistol shot