Purging Artificial Difficulty - Making NPCs More Fair

Purging Artificial Difficulty - Making NPCs More Fair https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/4X/c/f/9/cf921fab7ce4dca34fa008b24007e64f9c9989c6.gif
effort 4.659090909090909 44 quality 4.795454545454546 44 reasonability 4.829787234042553 47

therefore I support this suggestion


in all honesty npcs should have less accuracy on more precise moves such as piercing shot and bow attacks

like imagine this: conjurer npc with metal invued musket and dual metal beams, yuck

its not really that hard. it would just be more randomization on the ai and then adjusting accuracy based on that

why do you jump
the point is blocking her attacks, not evading it

anyway at least maria is doing it right, striking when the player isnt paying attention

A spoiler should not be the reason a suggestion is 1 star
Either include that reason (I saw you state your reason why in a reply later so that’s fine) or delete the reply
And the reason you gave was not enough to justifiable to give this suggestion a whopping one star. One star would be a suggestion saying “NPCs suck lol give them less damage”

Contrary to popular opinion, I agree with some of this

This is absolutely needed, warrior and mage NPCs feel way too broken with their aimbot while strength-based NPCs are much easier
this would level the playing field overall

duh, dunno why you still replied to all of them lol

I could see accuracy being difficult to program so ill give 4 stars in reasonability

shouldnt be that hard, just add a number to the coords that the NPC points at
e.g. X is offset by 10 studs

Didn’t you request account deletion why are you still here

mods are slow as hell and probably forgot

No no i mean if you want your account deleted, why are you still consistently active on the forums

he’s trying to quit but keeps relapsing, the mods are stalling on sending him to rehab

I did

cause whenever I go to check if my account deleted yet it’s not so I reply to stuffs

Finally, the level 264 birch wood, purple poison and copper metal mage won’t hit me with a perfect ultimate art javelin as soon as I stop moving

This has already been said like 30 million times but you cooked with this.

less gooo I contributed to this wonderful idea!