PvE & QoL - Early Game & Ravenna




awesome changes, I had some QOL changes that I was gonna post as a suggestion but I feel like leaving them here would be better

  1. Hovering over magics/fighting styles should display their stats similar to weapons.

    Sometimes I forget my magic stats (so idk whether or not it’s worth imbuing) so I feel like this addition would be nice (also b/c its weird how most things, when hovered over, have this style of showcasing info except for fighting styles and magics).

  2. If boss arena destruction is something Vetex wont implement, why not make boss rooms only regenerate when the boss drops aggro? It’s annoying when the boss room starts regenerating in the middle of the fight (similar to maki’s suggestion).

  3. If boat despawn isn’t implemented, make redocking spawn your boat at a set location.
    Sometimes my boat just gets stuck in things and its frustrating having to reset to despawn my boat.


Another good change is to make it so that enemies and bosses can no longer block/parry mid attack, and have to go into the blocking animation like us in order to do so. They should have a random chance to do this if idle while your attacking. (this way Multi Blasts are more effective against them instead of them, and the annoyance of getting spam block or parried by them while they are attacking you.)

only issue w/ this is that i can shred like 1k hp per nuke with dagger m1s if calvus didnt block/parry while casting

im dumb and didnt see the part where you addressed that LOL
hopefully that does get added though

yeah boss blocking while casting should be removed but then add a way to prevent dealing like 2.5k hp by spamming m1s

when you try to punish a boss’ moves and they just block/parry all of it it’s frustrating and a bad experience for the user
also sometimes the boss parrying can just mess you up (you try to interrupt nuke and calvus parries so youre in the parry knockback thing and get hit)

Another change I’d like to see is indicators on bosses similar to party member indicators. I can’t count how many times I’ve simply lost track of bosses (especially elius and calvus) simply because they dash around too much and it can be frustrating.

It wouldn’t be too much of an issue if it also wasn’t for the fact that playing on max graphics makes particles extremely bright and locating elius and calvus through all the colors and shapes can be obnoxiously hard.

Either a red indicator above the boss’s head or them being highlighted when they’re aggroing would easily help this problem.

Alternatively, you can initiate the 2 minute undock sequence at any shipwright that you can talk to.
Option could be just under re-dock, your ship taking damage results in this being interrupted.

this’d be pretty neat - would help with deciding what type of aura/focus to use too


I personally think bosses should still be able to do this (no parry tho, and I think straight up a better, less frustrating system should be made)… however all normal enemies should not

everything here should be added

Iris blasts a hole through the wall when she does that big wave of flare magic


ok but like yeah we need to visit ravenna much earlier (maybe during the story break) where we meet the nobles and are celebrated for helping frostmill, so the whole “reveal baron/officer” actually has a bit of weight.

like as I said, maybe you’re invited to the castello for saving frostmill, and you get to meet the entire family or at least some nobles, that way, elius and carina are actually real in this world and not just spawn in the moment we do something


so happy that this game is getting a bit of story related filler for the level 40 req, felt a bit high to me personally and it sucks recommending the game to people and having half of them jump ship due to boredom around that mark, implementing more islands into the storyline is definitely a good thing!

maybe some more indicators and npcs that’ll tell you to check out the side boss and other islands specifically for certain things? i went in blind on release and completely missed any if there are some in game already

and the quest chain could be a little bit longer before you get to the boss to build a little anticipation, (and a bit more xp) an optional side boss in general is a super cool feature and im glad vetex managed to fit it in for release



where is cargo/sealed chest shiftlock tho

likely disabled to avoid glitches while holding items like cargo and chests.

small thing but I believe when getting the boxing glove fighting style, the mentor should allow you to choose the default color of the gloves. You could still go to a tailor to buy new gloves if you ever wanted to change it. It can be a bit tedious and confusing early game to try and get a different color.

give them a fat hitbox (and i’m talking chonkalicious) so that players can’t glitch with them

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