PvE & QoL - Think of the Casuals! - 2.5

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Seems like a pretty easy task, just cheese it with bomb barrels or some other strat, way easier than grinding 1 million renown which can take days, especially with the renown reduction when over the renown cap, and makes you a target to every pvper near you who will now after the update be able to take a larger chunk of renown from you and also be able to put you in pvp from an island distance away just by holding your bounty poster that can even happen right when you are about to leave.

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yeah I like the idea overall, I just think it’s a bit farfetched to hunt the bronze seas top navy member/assassin syndicate member, especially if they stop you cheesing them with barrels.

my rival a warlord i think, mostly guns and boxing

never saw him using imbuement tho

thats great but will it actually be added?

good question!

TL;DR make it so players can pay to change the town they spawn in when they join the game

One thing I hate a lot in the game right now is a lot of times when I join the game and get ready to grind, I spawn in to someone charging an attack on me or someone running to me within seconds holding my bounty out.

My suggestion may seem a bit extreme but I think that you should be able to pay innkeepers a hefty sum of money to set your spawn to that town. This means when I log in, I won’t be getting instantly attacked in Ravenna since I’ll spawn at Redwake instead for example.

The main reason why I believe the game would benefit from such a system is that it makes it less likely for you to get instantly bounty hunted at Ravenna as soon as you join the server since the hunter can’t possibly know where you will log in. The other reason is that it would grant more diversity to towns. What I mean is that right now Redwake and Frostmill are mostly ghost towns but if max levels could spawn there, they could hang around the area, fish, increase their skills etc, making the whole area feel more alive.

If it sounds too broken there are always ways to balance it, for example the player could get taxed every time they spawn in an island other than Ravenna, if they enter the game and don’t have enough money to pay the innkeeper, they would automatically spawn at Ravenna instead, or you could have a system where you pay the innkeeper within a certain amount of time if you want to keep your spawn.


I know the game’s in early access, and the dark sea will fix this, but it feels like there’s not enough side-quests or a diverse enough loot pool in the game.

  1. I feel like the game could do with more side quests that give unique rewards. Not sure how to implement
  2. Loot pool isn’t diverse enough and most of what you get right now is frankly just garbage. This will be fixed with time as new rare weapons/techniques/spells are added but honestly the rewards you get from treasure charts are just trash items to be sold. More unique sets of items or weapons that are actually useful would be nice.

I think people with high renown shouldn’t be able to get any renown from people with low renown. Maybe <100,000, I’m not sure. People will spawncamp ravenna and kill ANYONE even for 500 renown right now.

Unconditional pvp-off switch for people with low renown. I think once you exceed ±300,000 renown it goes away, and even for lower renown players the option to toggle it off will disappear once you’ve gone into combat for the first time in a server. That way it gives you a frame to disable it, but you can’t just toggle it off or on when somebody attacks you. Instead you have to rejoin the server for the option to come back.


my friend had a dream about ao (fuckin loser amiright) and he said the game just felt cooler because he was getting exotic and rare items that were actually different from each other and allowed for real diversity.

ok but @Artanaris none of these qol ever get added so whats the point of suggesting them?
we all beg for the deckhand changes, but they wont happen because :sparkles: V E T E X :sparkles:

I have an alternate idea for deckhands:

All deckhands now start at tier 1 or tier 2. Later seas can have higher starter tiers, or deckhands that give more than a single stat. Only the initial hiring should be based off of your renown, and 500k to 1m should be the absolute limit once the final sea is in the game. As it is now, it should only be around 50-100k to hire a deckhand from the Bronze Sea.

Tiering up a deckhand can remain as described above- quest to up their tier to get more boosts.

LEVELING up a deckhand should scale on the experience points you gain. Right now, if you have a legendary deckhand that’s level 30 you need to reach 300k renown and then surpass that to increase their level further (10k per level.) As far as I can tell, the renown requirement for a deckhand to level up is the same renown requirement it would cost you to hire them at that level and tier. Having them level up instead based on the XP you gain (and especially if they take more XP to level up than you do, or if the xp is split amongst active deckhands) also gives more incentives to participate in pve activities if you’re a pvp player, since pvp doesn’t give you a lot of xp as far as I can remember. If it has to be related to renown, don’t make it based on your highest ever renown. Make it based on total gathered renown. And drop the requirement by a lot.

TLDR; Remove deckhand’s renown requirement as a whole, rework the entire leaderboard system to be “Top Admirals” “Top Overseers” to heavily reduce toxicity. NOT make higher ranks leaderboard restricted. We want the full experience of leveling up our ranks, letting us equip accessories at navy and syndie even at low ranks. Reimplement the old renown system back in WOM and AA, and make an AGR system again for Navy and Syndie for higher ranks. 1 Point gain per successful poster hunt and 1 Point loss per unsuccessful poster hunts.

  • Do you feel satisfied with the current PvE experience? If not, how would you improve/change it?

Right now, this is the worst PvE experience I’ve ever had ever since I played this game daily.

I cannot log on saves that are high reputation, always paranoid, I never get fun unless I’m on my low rep save. People said to just reset my reputation, but I need good deckhands? I’m hopeful that the deckhands gets a whole rework in the future.

  • Do you feel satisfied with the connection between PvE and PvP?

No. A lot of PvP players call casual players “PvE demons” and stuff like that. Casual players are driven out of this game because they always keep getting interrupted while minding their own business. I don’t know why renown hunting is even a thing in this game if vetex doesn’t want this game to be only “beat em up”. If you guys are encouraged to still promote PvP while still making it a tad bit fun for PvE players, please, PLEASE, read the next suggestions.

  • Do you think the current system for ranking up in the Grand Navy and Assassin Syndicate is fine? If not, how would you improve/change it?

WHY DO WE NEED TO RESTRICT RANKS TO LEADERBOARD ONLY? Why are you trying to lock us out of the full experience of actually ranking up and feeling good about ourselves?!? We’re already locked out of our accessory slots when we’re at lower to middle ranks, and we only get them at high ranks? And it’s only one slot? Please, I’d actually kneel down, and beg for this feature. Please, do not make ranks leaderboard restricted. Re-add a system similar to AGR… A lot of people loved that system. It makes casual experience much fun, it removes boosting issues, and people can have their own wear. I’ll rename AGR to Navy Honor (NH) for Grand Navy, and Syndicate Respect (SR) for Assassin Syndicate. Killing someone with their poster / they have your poster gains you 1 NH/SR, while dying to someone while having their poster / they have your poster makes you lose 1 NH/SR. All uniforms should be tied to how much NH / SR do you have. I just… don’t want ranks restricted to a leaderboard only thing. This current leaderboard system promotes nothing but toxcicity. Let’s be real here.

  • Do you believe that Renown as it is is flawed? If yes, how would you improve/change it?

Yes, super flawed. The moment that you made renown leaderboard based, it just makes casual experience so bad because all the bounty hunters ruin their hard work taken. How do I change it? Revert renown back to AA/WoM. I really missed that type of renown. I’d do ANYTHING for that renown system back. This entire renown system, this entire leaderboard system. It’s just one flawed piece of mess that only encourages toxicity. If I would change anything to the leaderboards. It would be renaming them to “Top Heroes” “Top Villains” “Top Admirals” “Top Overseers” to support the idea above. Heroes and Villains can have Glory for Heroes, and Assassinations for Villains. These points will reset when joining Grand Navy or Assassin Syndicate. Also, making the leaderboards an ELO system where you duel someone, and gain/lose ELO.

  • What do you think should be added for players that don’t wish to engage in PvP?

Some players want to play the game because there’s a lot of things to do, and for their experience to be soured because of some bounty hunters, is the reason why this game has a low player count. Casual players take up 90% of a game, and making this game too aggressive for them is bound to create problems. Make it friendlier for casuals, and this game will thrive even with updates being work on progress.


I think that the ranking system in NPC factions right now is super lackluster and detracts from >90% of players experiences in said factions. The inability to customize any aspect of your outfit unless you are within the top makes the experience considerably more bland for anyone who doesn’t want to sell their soul to climb the leaderboards.

A way to fix this without overhauling the renown/ranking/leaderboard system completely is to allow all ranks (or possibly all ranks after a certain rank such as captain+) to have at least one free accessory slot which they can customize. This could even be monetized by allowing owners of the “Extra Vanity Slots” gamepass to have upwards of three total slots to customize.


alright so before i begin this rant i will say this
I have been on both sides of the player spectrum. I have played negative rep up to 400k bounty and have been playing positive rep for a while now.

Im not going to say how renown and leaderboard and deckhand suck because everyone is doing it, so I will say why pvp sucks and why pve sucks as well.

Number One: The metas
We all hate metas. And their users. The FIRST problem with metas is that they become too fucking powerful and then are simply left unchecked. If vetex wants to actually improve the player experience in terms of PVP, he wont wait MULTIPLE MONTHS to release a fix for a near gamebreaking issue for practically all the endgame content.
Seriously, how hard is it!? If he can push out some patch like “oh yeah lurkers don’t stay anymore”, he can edit volcanic ash or rearrange how crystal works BEFORE IT BEING SEVERAL MONTHS.

And this little part is just a personal thing for me as a warlord; mastery is a BULLSHIT system and should not exist at all. For those that don’t know (some might not just being safe), master is a system that applies to every fighting style that is not basic combat. It locks fighting style techniques to certain levels of mastery, which is increased by dealing damage to npcs with the fighting style. This means that if you want to try out a new fighting style, you must spend 30 or so minutes mindlessly grinding the same batch of npcs. And WHY does this exist?
To discourage switching metas.
To DISCOURGE spending 30 fucking minutes out of your day to switch to an incredibly powerful build which will only be fixed in multiple months from then.
so yeah. mastery is stupid. just let me try out my builds in peace

also endnote to this section, wtf are the testers doing. i get you guys arent all omnipotent, but surely some of you are able to see shit like the indirect thermo buff or volcanic gel. unless
a: vetex saw this and said ‘fuck it we ball’
b: you just genuinely couldn’t test these for some reason

Number Two: PVE Combat sucks
Pve combat mostly consists of throwing out projectiles and hiding around corners, unless you want that level 160 npc to hit you with the 400 damage spell. Or the npc to hit you with 10 m1s in one second that obliterate your health.
First off, the pve combat seems so catered towards projectiles and magic its insane. My first save was a warlord, and the bosses were pretty tough, considering a few things for each boss.
A: Iris was pretty much just a run in and pray to god while i beat her to unconsciousness. iris is barely even a boss so i guess this doesn’t count
B: Elius? ehh… not too bad, but projectiles are definitely far easier for this fight
C: Cernyx is a horrible boss. His attacks cover half the screen, send you into the air constantly (ding ding, good for projectiles!!!), and he also has a random chance to unleash a 400 damage ribcage shattering punch when at close range.
D: Argos. Dude’s attacks are so close range that it seems like trying to punch this guy at the required level is like jumping into a pile of nails.
E: Carina. literal joke i cant even complain
F: Calvus. Holy SHIT calvus. Calvus literally teleports across the room constantly, forcing you to chase him down, until he suddenly teleports across the room again because THIS is good game design when a solid 1/4 of player builds are most viable at close range.

ok ok boss hating aside, still going to say why pve sucks and caters to projectile spamming!
navy raids. as you can imagine, i played negative rep before the changes, and constantly had the navy on my ass. Personally i didn’t have a problem as 9/10 i could fight them off, but it was still boring. Jumping into that hellfire of blue and white goblins is a literal death wish, as you will likely
A: Get hit by enough magics to paralyze you for life and make you more irradiated than the peacekeeper
B: Get m1d by multiple navy members in the middle of this, causing all of your internal organs to rupture
C: and for a major to hit you with that king David silver treatment where your entire body is encased in copium and maldite as your lungs collapse
also that weird bug where navies would swim over to your prison cell to harass you

Also counting the fact that grabs are weird as fuck, where npcs have sniper rifle aim with grabs yet rushdown literally just wont hit 99% of the time
and i also fucking hate fighting my rival because she has a fast magic and takes any opportunity when i stand still for 1 second (using a move) to unleash a Floridian thunderstorm directly where my heart is so i go into cardiac arrest while she does a fortnite dance on my dying body. vetex why did you buff them to this scale.

and uhhh i don’t know what else i can complain about because the dementia is setting in. thank you for glancing at the end of this rant that nobody will read, i hope you have a nice day


man i cant agree more, especially with the testers part. Like tf were they doing for 2 years?

Playing the game but not testing :thinking:

you dont need high fame to continue having them lmao

Yeah, cause if they were testing the renown changes, how come no one tested the effects of the changes to deckhand acquisition?

If you have a legendary deckhand who is not lvl 125, it matters.

But yeah it wont matter after the fact


50 extra stat points (raising the cap by 25 levels) would probably break the meta
warlocks would be able to get axe slash, conjurers would be able to get pulsar without losing their decent tier weapons, probably a bunch of other things im not thinking of

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