PvP balance discussion thread

Yes they do. Storm of arrows, Colossal cleave, that triasta move

oh shit i guess it is

colossal cleave may not be boss. but also those are all one exclusive move like most weapons to make up for what it lacks from magic

Lion’s Halberd:

I’d count minibosses, most of them have drops too. Alpha doesn’t because he only used base wind magic.

idk how you get colossal cleaver is all. weapons get one unique skill to them because they need something to be unique. imagine sunken sword atlantean cutlass kai sabre and keraxe sword. there are so many swords you need something special to them. sunken therefore gets a special move, atlantean is warrier exclusive, kai sabre used to be different (now its backup sunken), and keraxe sword is regular.

unlike magic where you already have different effects and customization. weapons have to have something unique or they are all the same so one unique move is warrented (even those unique moves are not too far off from base ones)

Right so that sounds like more reason for bosses to drop thieir moves.
Weapons HAVE customization now, and they have their equivalent of rare spells in exclusive moves.

how many unique moves can be transferred (its like 3 storm of arrows crushing judgement and siesmic slam i think). It just feels weird because magic already has an edge over everything else kinda. obtaining a scroll from a rival maybe but i don’t understand boss unless its boss exclusive.

if the only way to get array was from calvus it would make more sense, but since there are other methods it makes less sense. does that make sense? you can only get boss weapons from bosses so if its a spell it needs to be boss exclusive (and specific to one boss)

if maria dropped her tentical spell it would make sense assuming that was the only way to get it

Now that we have mistral update, can weapons users stop acting like they don’t have moveset freedom?

but im not a… i mean savant but i don’t have a build and main vitality/strength weapons no magic stat but i can use magic… i’ve litterally played every build other than oracle

I USE EVERYTHING i just want it to be fairer for most builds. while yes getting more move selection is great you can’t tell me most people dont run a sword (sunken, atlantean, kai if none else) a spear/staff (sunken, triasta, base if hybrid) and then musket

It’s an elusion of choice. while you can pick all these different weapons there isn’t enough diversity in weapons themselves to allow for choices (like how rapier just is not used now excluding maybe LoL)

So yea ig skills arn’t an issue but a base weapons to use those skills on isn’t diverse enough yet. getting a random skill from boss doesn’t make sense unless you can only get that spell from that boss.

It is much worse for vit later on. In the future weapons should be custom to the max but rn they can’t since they pretty much. the way you were suggesting magic from bosses was just weird.

Trying to make this look nice so took a little to type

After pondering it for a long while, ive finally solved balancing

Just remove substats :100:

Also I will keep this thread on life support as long as the yapping in the discussion thread continues

I solved stats. Remove power.

Hell, remove defense too

It would solve balancing forever!

wait so if Magics are getting Cannon as an early-game Rare Spell, are Fighting Styles getting one too? it’s been a minute since Cannon was mentioned and all Fighting Styles got was Blitz while Magics got Array and Cannon

(savant coping)

Yeah probably

Cannon had no teasers so this one likely won’t either. And it’s possible it will come in a later update

i need it, ever since they stole Selino from me i’ve had no glory.

being a savant is rough, but THE WORLD SHALL KNOW PAIN WHEN WE GET OUR SECOND AWAKENING (in early 3000)

4 way savant will probably be op. Imagine every class right now in one, and you have 4 way savant at max level.

It’s gonna be so fun

even then i doubt it’ll be particularly amazing unless if used by a very skilled person

Savant’s going to have a lot of skills but not as many powerful ones as, say, Mage

more customization and whatnot but not as much strength :sob: eh who cares it’s super fun anyway and oh my god the charge animation looks beautiful

Would it ruin the game to let other classes spend 20 points on weapons so they can use the most basic poor skills? I dont get why as a mage it wont let me spec into it