PvP Clips Megathread

knight is an underrated build but its REALLY good :saluting_face:

once warrior awakening buff drops I’d actually consider it an A tier build. only viable vit hybrid because:

  • 400 energy doesn’t really matter on weps nearly as much as it does on jugg and especially pala
  • weapons already hurt a lot so the dmg decrease isn’t super impactful, and don’t need the aoe increase from higher tiers like pala does
  • all you lose compared to warrior is rav gs and triasta (yucky aoe) vs paladin and jugg who lose so much from going vit hybrid I could write a thesis on both

Y’all so talented at pvp it’s absurd

Meanwhile here’s me in preschool watching it

I lead Shadows of Yor, I’m Noctem top 3, and I’m the co of bully squad’s Unity division. dw bout it too much I’ve been pvping for 7 years now

I might be good but there’s always plenty of improvement to be had. raw skill wise I’m still leagues away from someone like keeper or aether

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I mean I guess I’m still relatively new, a novice of sorts

path to improvement is long but rewarding. if you think you, or even someone like me, is at their skill cap rn, keep in mind this game is gunna last for years and years

True, unless roblox does something dumb.

when do they not.

Annual Adopt Me update sever crash, and various legal issues.

shot is so annoying
i feel like my pvp is always so different

I mean how good was I in this clip against calvus?

Always looking to get better and none of my friends have wanted to pvp recently so

if you’re still interested next weekend , once great war ends I’ll be open to help you train a bit

I have way too much time on afternoons and weekends, i usually am available

all my friends either are too good or use braindead builds :sob:

Could I also attend whatever training if scheduling works out

Are you calling my build braindead because that’s… Not how i percieve it, mage got nerfed but still can be used?

no i mean everyone i pvp use stupid builds or are just way better than i am
like explosion warlock, scims (WHICH STILL HAVE BUSTED AOE), warlord
none use mage

With iron leg?

I have that and i always perceived it as not too good.

no thermo fist
also a sailors warlord
i swear to god shot is the most braindead skill (apart from 20% shot luv u pristine)

ah thermo that makes much more sense

petrify spam is really annoying, i have a friend who used sailor ice before sailor became meta