PvP Clips Megathread

ladies and gentlemen, it’s done.

hope ya’ll enjoy.

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if anyone competent can do some duels with me tomorrow at 11:00am est i would be grateful because i need to improve my lackluster skill level

(sorry for weird time, my timezone is 5 hours ahead of eastern)

I’m up to do it right now if you want :slight_smile:

it’s midnight and i have school in the morning :sob:

Rip, go get some sleep. Real life is more important than gaming.

facts bro

One of the best fights I’ve ever had honestly. Fighting a warlock with instant stun really challenges your skill and pushes you harder.

Ash Thermo is tough to fight, but from my experience I wouldn’t quite say it’s downright unfair like Pulsar was, if I played better I could’ve won. Some blunders I can pick out:

  • Countless instances of trying to land Rushdown in situations where it just won’t work. I need to hold myself back from attempting grabs, they’re too much of a liability and there’s always a way better option. In another fight I actually did land the grab, but it turned out to be detrimental anyway, I get drastically out-damaged by Ash Thermo at close range so I can’t take advantage of Rushdown to combo without taking more hits than I’m dealing.
  • I should’ve used my magic way more throughout the whole fight. Blast and Beam would’ve put up more pressure while keeping me in the air (where it’s way harder for my opponent to land fighting style techniques), and since I got him down to red at the end, I think landing a few more Blasts and Beams would’ve been enough to have gotten down that final portion of health.
  • Using Smash when it is very obviously not going to hit. Not sure what was going through my head.
  • Reactivating Focus while on the ground and easily vulnerable. I am a fighting style user, I should know all too well how difficult it is to hit techniques against airborne targets and how easy they are to land against grounded foes, and I should take advantage of that by going in the air more. Using Resistance Focus while not in a safe position probably cost me just as much, if not more health than it gave me.
  • Not predicting better, I took a dumb hit from Crash because I stopped blocking right as it was about to land.
  • Charging my own Crash a little too long, he super-jumped right before I used it.
  • Dashing toward him while he was charging Shot. I thought it would throw off his aim and I’d be in the perfect position to counterattack, but I underestimated how easy I was to track, so instead I just got petrified while he was at the perfect range to take advantage of it.

Good gravy the constant freezing looks annoying

I wish I could analyze flaws in my own fights myself just as well though

use uhh double or triple smash if not already
and 5x shockwave but also a 2x shockwave
and smaller shot size so more dmg and aim practice
also why resistance focus on thermo (idk how much it gives but it seems like power or speed better idk)

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I usually use Power or Speed, I was experimenting with Resistance a few days ago and forgot to change it back, I didn’t realize I was using Resistance until after we were done fighting. It’s really not that bad though.

What size should I start with?

id say 60-70% is good and slowly drop down as you get used to it

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 8.44.38 PM
certainly a moment

praying shot

dnag dude, bullets connecting like magnets

You called for magneton plush?

i feel like i accidently summoned a demon

I like the sound it makes thats why i use it

“how did we get here?”