PvP Clips Megathread

im not a forum mod :frowning:

Another slideshow demon moment

another clip from yesterday, eventually i wont have to rely on aoe for my warrior build after i get the hang of using a musket :face_holding_back_tears:

Oh sorry for the ping then

@Divanochi sorry for the ping but I didn’t know maple could split topics

But I know you can

Edit: oops.

You know sometimes I hate how clumsy and lightheaded I can be.

What should I do to play around Shadow Mages better? My attacks are way smaller, only slightly faster, and deal about half the damage or less. I have over 2k health and these fights are ending in less than a minute. This guy is great at attacking while I’m unable to block, and every way I try to dodge fails, partially due to the desync making it really unclear if I’m in harm’s way or not.

My aim was horrible, but I don’t think aiming better would be good enough on its own to give me a chance against this. I don’t know how to make myself less vulnerable while still playing offensively.

I guess to make your focus better turn off screenshake?

But, drill blasts. That’s a sign of a really good mage player.
The best mages usually use 80% size drill blasts, and often only attack using beams or blasts. The drill is their main form of attacking but they often use beams since they’re nice to have.

Good mages also should run attack speed with defense and power usually too.

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unique build

That is the signs of a Mage player who knows how broken Drill shape is. Has nothing to do with skill. Increased damage for a supposed “-25% size”, with the hitbox still being massive (larger than without a shape) due to how comically bloated Drill shape is.

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Hold on.

So you’re saying drill is larger than something like a dragonhead blast attack?

Or even a hammer shaped blast?

I’m saying Drill shape’s physical hitbox is larger than a default blast, completely removing the whole “-25% Size” downside in every regard except for the explosion AoE (irrelevant if you can aim). It has increased damage and a larger hitbox. There’s no downside.

why does this feel like something you just made up on the spot

Somebody finessed me yesterday
I took my notes

:speaking_head: :fire:
next great war when

so … much … aoe …

the amount of mickey mage / sailor wlord / vind triasta spam / 100% shot lock / crystal ileg during that war has actually left me scarred man


Consider this departure.

consider this me learning how to use a mage as well as I can.

Also, mickey mages?

i did not participate in the great war but personally if theres that many people fighting at once i probably wont be resorting to using a musket :face_holding_back_tears:

Can somebody enlighten me on what a mickey mage is.

im gonna steal that build for my lightning conj rq

mages that don’t miss are insane
I know a shadow mage that literally doesn’t miss but what’s worse is that he has fast as hell cast time so he outdpses me anyways

it took like 10 matches for him to start missing so I can cut it down close