PvP Clips Megathread

he looks like a pvp pro
would be a smart dodge

I know he wasn’t using imbue but I still beat a crystallock
also, I did match boxi earlier, he joined as a mage but I was kind of stomped lol

Getting better?

cat and mouse gameplay

bro your opponent is a r3tard why tf was he spamming blast he’s literally a warlock he should be using shot :skull:

also I’d say your aim has improved slightly

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prolly handicapping


theyre limiting themselves to only using blasts to make it more fair (shot and p much every move on crystal ileg is massive)

oh alright

see this?
Blasts probably were more effective than fs

why didn’t he imbue tho that seems like an easier W

to handicap himself like i said :skull::skull::skull:

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So i wouldn’t be decimated in seconds

how do i find players to pvp?? i swear i never find good players to fight :sob:

im up to pvp if u want; username is Noobest_Noober just lmk in ingame messages when u want to fight at munera

gosh dangit it’s 11:30

its 1:30 am where i am lol

join some top clan and ask for pvps there

or just try to find competent people in public servers (lot of hours and kills usually mean theyre at least competent)

which ones in particular have some better players?

anything in the top 15

owl, white lotus, celestial, elysium, constellia in particular generally have good pvpers from my experience

Ofc theres also clans like noctem, noble and soy but theyre all cracked

imo top clans doesnt really mean anything much since theyre probably pve demons and infamy farmers, BUT there can be people with high potentials such as keeper and visan when they were initially in latom from world of magic