PvP Clips Megathread

my pov:

explo’s pov:

its literally insane

Somebody needs to tell me how to change the text fonts in-game
That pixel font looks awesome

what region are you

I fought @ImaLettuce a lot yesterday, almost every battle was good enough to be worth uploading. Was some crazy practice.

Short Highlights

This is the best combo I’ve ever pulled off. I’ve never pursued someone so ferociously before, and it felt so satisfying to succeed.
Flashy Finish - Clipped with Medal.tv

And by sheer luck, I parried the one and only Ultimate Art he ever tried against me.
Parrying the Emperor's Chorus - Clipped with Medal.tv

Full Fights

I did terribly for part of this battle, but after around 0:45 I get some kind of ultra-instinct awakening and chain together a ton of Shockwave Smashes. I’ve never hit more of them consecutively before.
Spamming Shockwave Smash - Clipped with Medal.tv

This victory was a little silly, he was doing great at just barely surviving at the very end, until he super-jumped into a blast by pure coincidence.
Goofy W vs. Corrina - Clipped with Medal.tv

I had a lot of lag and input delay in this one fight, somehow won in spite of it.
Laggy 1v1 with Corrina - Clipped with Medal.tv

These next three fights were all won by Lettuce. He’s getting better :fearful:
Frigid Fight - Clipped with Medal.tv
Wind Mage W - Clipped with Medal.tv
Corrina Beats Brooks - Clipped with Medal.tv

This might be the most impressive battle. Lettuce got a ton of great parries.
Comboing Corrina - Clipped with Medal.tv

It’s so strange watching someone else fighting me.

Something I forgot to mention, I thought it was really smart how in the second video you placed Snow explosions on yourself while low on health to out-clash my attacks.

1 Like

Almost 10/10. You blocked and dodged, but you still need to parry.

the musket training paid off i guess, i still feel sorry for that dude bc i was gonna repay him but he left so i had like 15 of his sealed chests :frcryin:

Nice champion’s egg dude

im that sympathetic type of guy ik i wouldve gotten it a few days ago but watching the potential victim have a nice conversation with someone else made me not kill him and leave the server :pensive:

@pristine this guy wants to fight you

i would send a clip but it’s massive byte count

upload it on streamable and paste the link here

yeah yeah i’m doing it

@pristine here’s syphotic’s clips

the quality is ass rn because it hasn’t finished uploading
edit: it’s finished uploading


I’ve been having a hard time with iron leg warlords as berserker, y’all have any tips?

blocking and putting more focus on your grabs is the best you can do really. warlords are just a pain to deal with as any class.

create a lot of space since ileg warlord projectiles are slow and abuse your airtime with crash and spam shot (use multismash if they get close since smash outclashes almost all moves iirc)

yo does anyone have clips of cannon fist warlord