PvP Clips Megathread

I love how I’m both clips there are times where I’m just a kid with ADHD in the background

Attacking your ship accidentally and learning that ff affects that, and simply just running around the arena when most other players sit still somewhere.

@Noober :sob:

the computer kicking is actually insane brah :dread:

anybody in this thread down to 1v1 tn


I’d be down

user? mine is my forum name if your down to join me

I’ll join you

Thanks for the fights

My game crashed, but i think that was all i had in me. it was great fighting

ok time to upload a billion clips from today

  1. i hate shadow (and all thermo fist warlocks)
    i cant do this anymore
  1. yay some cool flicks and whatnot that i did ok heres like 14 clips idk
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if u hate them then u should join them. we wil welcome u to the cult of thermo fist anytime

ngl there’s too many people who use thermo to make a cult


an organized religion, then

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pretty lame religion ngl

my aim was at its worst at the peak pvp time but i did hit something good

I forgot to drop my clips from yesterday
here let’s have them, and some i got today too

Also, don’t question the random music that’s playing in the background.

I just leave a YouTube playlist with all my favorite songs in it on shuffle in the background lol

This one feels unnatural ,if beating noober wasn’t odd enough.

Taking noober for a little stroll

Taking noober around for a little stroll - Clipped with Medal.tv
The fact that good eatin’ was playing in the background makes it better lol
also, noober says my aim is 8.5/10 :steamhappy:
Good, but definitely needs a bit more work

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never trust a snare bruh that was my downfall

i dont think nico would mind if i put one of his clips here but that shit is so hilarious hearing his primal rage while listening to ancient mayan music