PvP Clips Megathread

so this was what was happening while i was brushing my teeth you bully :frowning_face:

also heres my pov of this but me throwing all of that piercing gale and it was goofy af im not gonna lie :sob:

imma drop the rest of the clips before going to bed

goofy ahh snare

very rhythmic triple parry

do you run any speed on your savant

Atk speed yea

I swear attack speed has become my favorite stat now
I can’t live without it anymore

look at the clip name for some details

I’m planning on running fire leg too man that looks awesome

How much fun is it and how much do you like it?

another one of those musket flicks

i felt the power of the parry gods surging through me but it didnt save me

Its pretty cool, you can really diversify your playstyle because you are not forced to some playstyle, you can kinda do whatever and still deal damage.

just like calvus :face_holding_back_tears:

iron leg warlocks :((

I ain’t good vs berserkers man

Another battle (I enlightened bio on attack speed earlier)


overall today i started off phenomenally well with parries and aims and ended the game being severely degraded :sos: magdumping clips now

i feel bad for winning this one because this fight went on for almost 4 minutes and the musket clutched me up

two insane flicks (i sadly lost this fight)

the average fight near the end of today’s pvp session; my capability to parry n stuff are visibly horrid

why do all of the clips in this threat range from munera against someone who NOBODY knows to “yeah, we’ve got multiple testers and mods chillin’ in the same server.”

how’re you even GETTING munera fights with strangers?

theres like 0 people here that are in asia so i cant pvp them :sob:
usually i just ask randoms who have 100+ kills “1v1 munera”

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Was the berserker running full calvus or something? Those were big attacks for unimbued Thermo.

Never asked the for their build but perhaps? Not having size is good for mage since it forces you to sim but for any other class it doesn’t hurt to have it around so I think they had calvus or sunkens on.

Lettuce has shown me the ways of attack speed, now I can never run a build without it

What music you used in first video please?

the musket shot connecting directly above me felt satisfying

made some really good hit connections and parries but jetex is a goat for using underrated weapons