PvP Clips Megathread

He wants to unleash his Biden blast on merlot
(We don’t talk about the barrels that caused the explosions though)

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probably one of my best fights yet in terms of consistency

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i hit one of the coldest kills during a spotify ad :cry:

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Okay but I really need to find time to fighting people again I have not battled in a good while

Say, wanna duel lettuce?
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to hop on AO

more savant clips :smiley:

Yeah give me twenty minutes

It’s a few fights!
(I needed to unrust so i fought bio several times)

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i still dont get how people get rusty even after only a few days

Eh i felt i hadn’t done some matches in a little while

I’ll do some more tomorrow if you can get on, and you would oblige to them

not on my good pc until wednesday

24 posts were split to a new topic: Warlock build discussion

That blast and beam combo was so clean in the last clip :melting_face:

hey guys

what does speed focus actually buff?

Attack speed (casting speed & projectile speed)


that kinda stinks ngl

is there any aura that boosts size?


is there a focus for movement speed?

It was in the balance notes but was removed, so no.