PvP Clips Megathread


I rarely clip PvP (I should clip more) and this is the best atm I got so

First time fighting another player (kinda, since he was mostly harassing the boss but he attacked me first anyways, so…) using fire warlock and it looks really solid, though the damage looks really low…

My build, only now nimble and hard of the cernyx faulds and defense amulet have been swapped for power so i have 64 power.

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1v1 vs 2.6k hp berserker

  1. damn, nice
  2. are you playing on a 60s television?

Here’s two clip dumps:

My best duel ever:

My Best Gank Turn Ever:

(Context for this one, the guy was lying in wait at my rival, then jumped me after I got about half-health. I know this because I saw their boat near my rival and yet they weren’t fighting him or cernyx, that’s how I turned so fast, even though I was surprised at the start of the clip.)

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‘Bro really had to run in the water to do something how about turn off the game and-‘
insert that image of Patrick sleeping to squidward’s ‘solitude in e-minor

Also that’s coming from a crystallock, aka a sweaty primitive meta nerd

the amount of copium bro was going through when he realized that paralyze outskilled his google giggles ahh 500 dmg stomp and denies it

Not to mention I had 900 health when he started attacking me, him and the npc comboed me down to 400 and he couldn’t finish me I just beat him up in the water.

Shows meta, when used a crutch, won’t make up for a lack of fundamentals. I’ve been really down on myself lately because I’ve been losing almost all of my duels at Munera, and then I dueled a Shadow Mage Assassin Lord and he actually managed to get a perfect game on me in one of our fights which was humilating. I was just about ready to throw in the towel on trying to get better in pvp and just go back to PVE exclusive content.

I made a bug report for NPCS as I tried to recoup my lost fame, then went back to farming, and this guy jumped me and I dominated him. I got the one W I needed to save me from giving it all up.


My fire thermo warlock does less than 200 damage on every hit, even for fs.

I’ll probably swap him back to iron leg, and then after some mastery I’d love to run 1s with people later.

Hit me up whenever, I gotta do some work on my ARG in the writing category but after that I’m free.

He isnt that good with it tho

That first clip is just pure mosquito gameplay

both were doing that ngl

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I’ve maxed Iron leg mastery, we can start right now if you have the time.

my user: 1amalettuce.

I am not a mosquito build lol. I was trying out the speed focus to see if I could get the range to actually close the distance on my opponents.

@ImaLettuce I’ll join right now

Fighting Thermo Warlords should get you a pass

You asked for my build so here you go

Power kinda meager and i want more with some speed.