PvP Clips Megathread

honestly I might pick up savant again because that’s pretty zased and zedpilled :sunglasses:

now what magic to use… :thinking:

Earth of course.

I already have an earth/sand mage unfortunately

well, I guess water maybe or magma is always on the table

(actually magma savant sounds pretty cool)

or explosion… that’s a pretty cool magic too

ice lightning sailor musket dagger katana



me want strength weapon

me want pokey stick

I’d assist my boy if PvP wasn’t dogshit rn :speaking_head:

  • worst meta since release
  • constant server issues / pingspikes make moment to moment play feel terrible
  • potions ruined world pvp entirely
  • defense meta
  • memory leaks still unaddressed (I miss earth thermo.)
  • cheating (primarily hitbox extending) becoming more and more common

wish time could be turned back to easter update tbh


slowness gel :rage:

wait how does memory leakage affect builds?

people running with agility 5, people running with waterbreathing 5 + swimspeed gems, slowness 5 being a crutch for people who can’t aim, love gel being a get out of jail free card, gale / bleeding nova cheese for water fights, cc gel still giving what’s essentially free damage, healing potion spam, list goes on and on :fr:

world pvp will never be the same. the guild wars and random group beef from AA, WoM, and early AO that were reliant on communication and skill to win are gone forever. we’re past that era now. it’s just a potions arms race and that has sucked the fun out of world pvp entirely

mainly just a warlock thing. after an imbue (and depending on what magic is imbued), performance begins to degrade as the particle effects remain, causing worsening freezes on M1s. earth imbue seems to be the worst offender in the entire game, and since charging thermo heat with Leaps got removed this update my beloved earth thermo has quite literally just turned to ash. only way I can potentially charge heat now is by cycling every ability in my kit, which costs my whole energy bar and takes around ~20 seconds, compared to berzerker being able to charge with m1s in about 8-10s. maintaining heat is similarly a pain. just not really worth the struggle

This is what current patch Earth + Thermo M1s look like after ~10 minutes of fighting. No, this is not edited.

jesus H christ AO is really in shambles rn huh

also, was potions a mistake?

I love the effort that went into them so I can hardly be mad. They’re super fun to use in PvE and have led to a ton of dumb funny moments with friends.

But, I will say that they have entirely ruined Renown. There are a huge amount of players on both leaderboards who’s kills can be credited almost entirely to potions. A good amount of them haven’t performed a single bounty hunt without potions.

Not like Renown meant much before, but it means about as much as pocket lint now.

I assume potions are probably banned from like most official pvp tournaments lol

anyways, what’s going to be done about the dataleaking? because like, damn bro the laglock is real

It’s not really Vetex’s fault. He’s tried to find all three of the notable memory leaks currently in-game (cooking pots, cauldrons, and Warlock imbues) on more than one occasion, but Roblox just doesn’t really give developers the tools to find them. As far as I’m aware, F9 logs and experimentation whilst actually inside Studio both yielded nothing for all three. We can hope he does another sweep before Darksea and can manage to find the cause, but there’s really no saying whether or not it’ll be more fruitful this time around.

Classic roblox moment

A great platform game ran by a great company

I feel like each update has had a sleeper pick than gets overturned in the following update and then subsequently nerfed

So flying berserkers, warlocks, and warlords are seriously that bad right now? What else is making the meta awful too? More build carried stuff like release mages?

Yeah, I get this one a lot. At least the balance team is wanting to nerf hard to give about 54 defense at max now, and defense giving armors are being reduced by 10%.

This one hurts. Seriously. It hurts so much. So many people are asking to get banned.

Makes lots of sense because certain gels can be gamebreaking, you listed them all before though.

I never even considered it before, I don’t know why. PvP hasn’t felt this enjoyable since I quit Earth Thermo. Seems like Earth Boxing might just be my new favorite build.


Revitalization. That actually does look pretty fun to use all things considered.

Also, what about this?

attack speed demon vs glass cannon paladin

astronomical fight fumbler (i unequipped wind magic)