PvP Clips Megathread

How scary a mage with an intact brain can end up being

Shadow looks extremely fine though

i dont have anymore of these good clips my ping demon came back ): goodnight

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the only pvp clips i have are where i fail
also is it just me or are everyone elses clips so fast paced

(ignore epic keyboard asmr i forgot to turn off mic)

tldr: pls help i suck and ping jumpscare

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paladin is hardly clippable since my entire kit is blasts, but thought I’d share a couple clips just for fun


Poor guy got speedblitzed😭

cant watch it?

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Specter’s clip

I felt like this was the one fight we got yesterday that I did fine in
Though sim not the focus here I wanna be critiqued on how I did

Specter was only using iron leg because he wanted to branch out And see other fighting styles

cant watch


Aye that’s not bad although specter should try blocking attacks intermittently after using an attack to not soak up too much dmg

i 1v2d a couple of assassins at whitesummit and killed them both at least once as a berserker but it was laggy as shit and i decided not to clip it so
trust :pray:

also they kicked the shit out of me when they were on their own boat by silverhold so that’s not clippable
and it was laggy too because Metal Magic is a Fucking Disaster

Cooking up a nasty new build with the stat reset we’re getting. Expect some clips of nice snipes and combos over the next few days. :pray:

i may or may not intentionally make my conjurer worse by going 120 magic 130 weapon because i kind of like double beams and snares

what are your thoughts

also wouldn’t a stat reset kill my moves
was equipping axe slash on my iron leg an hour ago today a mistake

Yes but they are still under valued so a trade should be easy

i’ve got two pulsars on my berserker so you’re right getting Blast: Berserker Edition won’t be too bad

yo whats your build?(items)

I crave savant clips…

I’ll check tu and sc my build soon

I got a savant that needs stat fixing but once that happens hopefully I’ll be ready to start pvping on it

some Earth + cfist clips , probably not gunna keep running this until cfist gets its mini-rework with shot , shockwave smash and axe slash having their bonus effects , but it’s definitely been fun to use