PvP Clips Megathread

Yeah, Cfist looks pretty fun.
Especially when you’re using it with earth, so much bigger.

wait is this a savant clip??

hell no i have fodder items

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copying rn >:)

can savants use shot skill or nah

(also is iron leg good to learn since if I go 100 strength I can get my grubby lil versatile hands on it)

if ur a str main im p sure yeah
20 vit 60 magic 120 str 50 wep


I don’t wanna touch vitality ngl

I think it’s probably smarter to stick with my 100 str 60 wep 90 magi

since although I dont get shot I still can use iron leg slam shockwave or cannonfist

actually isn’t cannonfist getting a whole ass rework?

Hey I have spare cernyx faulds if you want them
I’m pretty sure they can substitute the steel helm

Of course I’ll need to get on first though

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Give me :smiley:

Not you
Would rather pick a scrap of meat out of my teeth with you

why :frowning:

Nah that’s my build in the test universe (sub-legitimate file) but even if it’s maingame I don’t want free items

alright, modest i see.

Respectfully, that has got to be the most annoying build to fight.

balance patch is fun ig (ignore me only walking in first clip, my dash was bugged)

LOL you think that’s bad ?

Dont spread too many clips like that around or berserker will become the new mage. if it isnt already :sob:

too late, lock meta is already in effect cause of how hard warlock was overbuffed by FS changes

braindead class now I’m afraid, sailor’s and iron leg everywhere

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dash > leap > blast is a true combo for mages
how hard could fighting a ber-
warlock? you
you mean they have magic too? oh FU