Pvp should be optional

What else is there to do in WoM besides pvp? There’s literally nothing else to do. What are you gonna do? Kill bandits for 200 hours???
the forums are a mistake


Hey I agree you can say that sometimes but

a mistake in general is what i meant

then why are you here

Wdym pvping in WoM is much harder. Dark souls is just well dark souls

From what ive learned the people killing me were jerks nothing bout guilds at all

But from what ive learned lvl 45s cant be farmed for infamy meaning they are just assholes

Grr omg spamming Q is so incredibly hard man, you can literally just put your cursor over someone to hit, it’s not complex

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Farm bosses do quests play with friends and more. What do level 45s and under do

Level 45s and under level up…

What? I just leveled up as a second hand task I played instead

That’s not what most people do though. Also bosses are for when you’re level 60.

PVP should just be more fun and better in general.

Yeh I rethinked my idea lets just improve pvp in general


of all the clips why the one with me getting flawlessed :frcryin:

It’s not really flawlessed and it was like the newest clip, I didn’t have to scroll far.



I am mimicking this shit.