Pvp should be optional

until actually good enemies with interesting movesets and variation exist, wom is a pvp game in my eyes

WoM is a PvE game for the first 10 or so hours

it’s a thinly veiled simulator after that point

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Literally nobody would play, just turn off pvp and that means:

  • no player kills
  • no infamy

and other things, plus the replayability would be gone


mans boutta fight the same boring npcs all the time and say its fun tho


Sheesh. I agree that PvP shouldn’t ever be made optional, but I can say that it’s understandable to be annoyed when someone just kills you because they can.

However learning how to defend yourself or flee from a fight IS a valid solution.

So basically wom will stop feeling entirely like a pvp game once the tgr happens?

Well I got something to tell you Mr.Inferno.

ao isnt wom you see

Skill issue

the story isn’t even finished and even then it’s boring af you legit just kill things from normal excluding the bossing that you can find anywhere and at this stage PvP is the only good/fun thing in this game

You’re just being a skill issue :man_shrugging:

They just a skill issue.

im a skill issue

I mean to be honest, the random PvP encounters actually make the game more immersive (imo). Although I can understand why some people hate being RK’d when they’re just trying to mind their own business.

If you want to decrease the amount of times you’re being bullied, I suggest using Summer Hold as a training ground. Fighting MC teams (+ captains) and King David is a good way to improve your aim and judgment in intense situations

what ok

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i was about to disagree but you said skill issue soooooo


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