(Qol) Disable fish collisions against ships and players
No idea why its not a thing yet, i guess 300 bobux gamepass is more neededā¦
(Qol) You should be able to skin fishes at a fishmonger, getting bones , golden scales , etc
We kinda do it rn with all shops, lol
(Qol) You should be able to get jellyfish flesh from jellyfish (the fishable one)
- one for small
- Two for normal
- Three from giant
- Four from massive
- five from golden
I love it, as for my heat-based mages file i cant do anything with jelly fish
, but i think 1 for small and normal and golden | 2 from giant | 3 from massive is fineā¦
(PvE) You can catch Modifier Items from Fishing
- For Example if i fished in cold ponds i should have a chance of getting frozen modifier items
- Lower chance to find a Modified Item than the current base from Treasure Hunting to prevent Charts from being useless
Didānt vetex made it so you can now get drowned from fishing? I think its enough.
(Qol) Put exclamation mark boxes for new fish catches similar to this
āMerchant changesā
Gem vendor showed us that vetex wont make ārandomizedā trades, so ehā¦Cool but sadly wont happen
(Qol) Allow for a 5th slot for cooking pot, ONLY for spices, would really be useful for people who cook some food while not wasting a slot for it encourges people to use them more often , etc
With addition of spice-vendor (in caravan there is unfilled cart of spices, so we will have them!) it would be cool.
āWeapon from blacksmithā
Vetex will probably just make it so you can buy old sword, wooden shield and maaybe flintlock.
I doubt that culture-weapons should be purchasable as its likeā¦an āarmyā weapon.
Propose of them is to set a spawn point, similar to how the story does
Not needed tbh

(Qol) Remove Crafted Jewels from the Backpack, because there is no reason for it to be there + it causes extra lag
(Qol) Add the ability to see affinities by hovering onto the fs/magics (similar to weapons)
(Qol) Add the ability to see how much time left to re-dock , like the image below
Needed badly
(Qol) Allow the ability to imbue with what magic/fs we have similar to how we can imbue weps/fs, to fighting style gear/arcanium gear
Knowing vetex - not happening
(Qol) throwing blood pots on water would lure nearby sharks and other sea monsters to it
Dont you natural attract sharks while bleeding? Or is it AA thingy?