Qol/PvE doc i made with balance discord server

Qol/PvE doc i made with balance discord server
effort 4.777777777777778 9 quality 4.444444444444445 9 reasonability 5.0 7

some qol/pve suggestions that people would like to see, here the link to it Qol Suggestions - Google Docs


also dont mind me being terrible at doc , this is my firs time using it :+1:

pretty good stuff


Some of the stuff in the document are things that I don’t consider as quality of life mainly because of its definition but everything else is fine and I’m not against adding any of these.

Here are the list of things I don’t consider as quality of life (but are still pretty good stuff to add nonetheless):

  1. Dark sea island height and width cap: I wouldn’t want to explore something that’s probably twice Ravenna’s size while finding nothing in the process. However, this change isn’t what I’ll consider as qol because it changes the gameplay by making it impossible to encounter super-large islands.
  2. Being able to catch modifier items from fishing: Adding a new obtaining method for existing items isn’t quality of life. But I have no issue with adding this eitherway.
  3. Merchants “QoL”: This change is considered as a “balancing change” to make traveling merchants more useful, so this is not a quality of life.
    Though strangely enough, it’s not labeled as QoL in the doc like everything else.
  4. Cooking pot’s 5th spice-only slot: I think I sound like a broken record at this point but again, this is not quality of life.
  5. Shop “QoL”: Not quality of life for the same reasons as merchants “QoL”. And once again, adding new obtaining methods for existing items is in fact, not quality of life.
  6. Treasure charts “QoL”: It’s a balancing change, not quality of life for obvious reasons.

Yeah, I think my definition of “Quality of Life” doesn’t match what the doc considers things as “Quality of Life”

can you tell me what “qol” means then? i might have gotten meaning wrong

It may not be QoL in the strict sense but damn would this increase my quality of life when playing the game.

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We need tavernkeepers bruh i wanna set my spawn at shell island ongod!!!

Also pressing continue once a spawn other than a story spawn is set should teleport you to the sea where your spawn is set, to avoid bugs

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Qol = Quality of life

id say its things that are convenient without really affecting gameplay or making the game easier.
like having more info readily available such as the navy influence or some cooking book, or being able to bulk craft things (or even sell specific amounts of items) are nice without straight up kinda rebalancing the game. now usually quality of life changes are my favorite type of changes, but doesnt mean ill really try to correct people on the usage of the term

oh and i have absolutely no idea if what i said is on the doc, i aint got time to check it now

alright im going to update the doc to include the stuff that isnt qol to be pve instead, hopefully this would make it a bit more clear

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btw this doc might get more stuff added later on , i will say if it got updated by a good amount

I didn’t even know Obulus had nest before reading this

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