QoL suggestions

QoL suggestions
effort 4.0 1 quality 5.0 1 reasonability 5.0 5


Simply put: We should get an option to remove the spellcast chat bubble.

Details/background on your proposal

It would be found somewhere in the settings tab under the “Spell Chat” option, labeled “Spell Chat Bubbles”. Pressing the checkmark would remove spell chat bubbles from either your character or every character(including NPCs).

Reason to add/change

It’s a nuisance getting your aim blocked by the large amount of chat bubbles on your screen. Having an option to disable the chat bubbles from showing up would help with any kind of combat activity.

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I like seeing spell names in chat, just not hovering over my head blocking my view.

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please add this its cancerous playing with shiftlock and having spell names block your vision



bring back the AA chat options

I don’t see why not to be honest. It would be a welcome addition.


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