Question for all mage builds

I don’t know what you’re talking about :nod:

you have the right to shut up :gun:

this is so unbased and unredpilled :frcryin:

first @Randomness steals my pogger water color and now ezia is silencing my freedom of speech

forums ong being so mean to me waaaaa :sob: :crying_cat_face: :water_magic_var2: :water_magic_var2:

I love the ideia of cold and hot , and any way i love fire / snow.

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:wind_magic_var1: :explosion_magic:

Fire and Magma

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Does fire and magma have the guaranteed charred effect and if so can that work with explosion and ash or fire and ash

I’m not sure if fire or magma petrify I think you need ash or explosion for that

Fire/explosion, ash/fire, and ash/explosion petrify

My first file will be a mage and I feel like swapping her magma to fire and making her second magic something else I’ll have to pick later

Ty I’m going fire and ash because for some reason ash does 20% more damage to people on fire and if fire hits an ash could it ignites it and also does fire damage and ash damage literally broken and ash looks sick

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@Randomness stole my super epic tropical water variant :frcryin: :sob:

and I don’t really wanna use these… :water_magic_var1: (too basic) :water_magic_var3: (literally even more basic)

what do I have left…?

oh no…

oh no no no…





If you ping me one more time about the water variant


instead just use the magics and variants you like instead of trying to make every single small thing about your build unique (some random 8 year old will make the exact same build as you eventually anyway)

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what is this.

is this acid?

or water.

dishwashing soap?

liquid green

no that’s acid magic

:water_magic_var4: :ice_magic_var3:


:ice_magic_var2: and :snow_magic:, maybe even :water_magic_var2:

Make a placed ice pillar named Snowgrave

I can’t decide my magic color waaa