Question for all mage builds

Green ice always makes me think of shamrock shakes

good idea, but i might just end up naming all my moves ice

:shadow_magic: :glass_magic: fuck you

Yeah I wanted to do a file with thses two too

Explosion and ash

I can’t pick a water color :frcryin:



what is the least picked color :thinking:

swamp ig it’s ugly af

Disgusting swamp water

ikr smh

what’s the least picked blue water


:ice_magic_var1: :wind_magic_var2:

still on the edge if i wanna go mage on all my builds or warlock on all my builds
not gonna have a few mages and a few warlock files mainly since i like consistency

probably abyss actually

well shell uses abyss already…

idk what to pick grrr

Tropical tbh

Bro stop trying to be unique and just pick what you like


but I like being special :frowning:

magma or explosion :thinking:

now im torn between them lol

you cant possibly be special in this game, theres only so many combos you can do

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Picking the shittiest variation doesn’t make you special