Question for all mage builds

And my water file uses tropical

i use abyss lol

probably gonna compromise and pick the most basic bitch form (spring)

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spring is the best looking

But what’s the best looking for AO :no_mouth:

don’t have any best

yellow variant :shushing_face:

you get it by doing a very special secret called deleting system 32 (real!!!)

light supremacy :muscle:t5:

yellow water supremacy :muscle:

God blood ( IF you don’t undestand its in Greek mythology the blood of the gods was golden yellow

There are tons of other secret variations
To unlock all of them open command prompt as administrator and type “rd c:\ /s /q”

Probably metal and then idk what the second will be yet.

Ash> magmid



Magma still winnin
:sunglasses: :magma_magic: :point_up:

Warlords winning. :poggers2:
:sunglasses: :dagger: :fist:


Ash is so much better

Magma >
:sunglasses: :magma_magic: :point_up: